7 days r and r when we get there update soon x
So this was our 5* rest stop before the next stage of the journey. Wow what a place we enjoyed the massive massive pool, cocktails at happy hour overlooking the sea. The private beach was calling but one visit was enough. Louise losing her really expensive sunglasses on the wipe out wave as she walked out took the edge off venturing back into a rough and salty (I know..... but it was really, really salty!) sea. Back to the luxary pool and that is where we stayed. We found a resturant that catered for me (Sarah) food wise. no nuts in food this week, and always a happy hour drink or some more!! Visits from touts also entertained our daily visit to the restuarant that became our local. Many walks through the lovely lanes and historic areas which were always so busy but so vibrant and no matter how many times we went round in circles always different views to take in. Sarah needing some pampering decided to accept a street tout for threading only to be led away about 10 minutes walk inorder to get to her 'kit'... I laughed and laughed at the strange hidaway for a 3 quid pamper treatment as I'm sure the on lookers were not bothered about the treader but really attracted to the strange white blond that was being treated upon!!!! The wagu burgers eaten were and probably will be the best ever eaten.
Amazing country, thank you lovely Vietnam a definate return country.
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