KO PHA-NGAN 29TH JANUARY - 4TH FEBRUARY 2007On the 29th we took a catamaran ferry from Ban Mae Hat on Ko Tao to Thong Sala on Ko Pha-Ngan. This only took about an hour but it was horrendous! It was a really rough crossing and the first time I've ever felt sea-sick, I was grasping for dear life. And to make the queasiness even worse, we could hear other passengers throwing up around us. Most people looked worse for wear.We were very glad to get off the ferry at Thong Sala, and once we did we got on a way over-priced taxi to Hat Rin, home to the legendary Full Moon Party.Ko Pha-Ngan is 193sqkm and they call it Ko Samui's rebellious little sister; boasting the same stupendous scenery, minus the glitz. The lack of an airport and relative absence of good roads have spared it from package-tour development. Ko Pha-Ngan is a casual island with a sort of hippy fun-loving vibe where backpackers dominate the tourist trade.Hat Rin is the island's most popular area is made up of two beaches, separated by a small shopping and eating district jam-packed with travel agencies, internet cafes, bars, clothing shops, and jewellery store.As soon as we arrived in Hat Rin we could tell the whole place was jam-packed with backpackers waiting for the next full moon party. We hired a mo-ped right away to hunt for accommodation. Everywhere in the main town area was fully booked but we managed to find a lovely bungalow in Hat Rin on the hill overlooking the ocean for 400B, called Hua Laem Resort. This was far enough away from all the noise but near enough to walk to the town and beach. It had amazing views, a deck with hammocks and a great sea breeze.I think Ko Ph-Ngan has lost what it once had by being over-visited and over-westernised which is a shame. The beaches are crowded with bodies on top of one another, the bars blare out the newly released movies on big screen T.V's and the food joints are jam packed, selling kebabs and falafels.Hat Rin beach has a party every night with buckets, fire dancers and beach bars blaring out hardcore. The full moon party is just a normal Ko Pha-Ngan night but on a much larger scale. Thousands of people travel here for the full moon party each month, most stay on the island but others ferry it over just for the night. The beach is packed with drunken people partying away and the streets are just a sea of people blocking ever turning. Its crazy how many people suddenly appear on the night of the full moon, as if from no-where. There is even a sleep zone on the beach for people who have had a bit too much. Hundreds of lost flip-flops lay scattered every-where and there is a constant line of blokes facing the ocean taking a leak as there are very few toilets and you'd have to fight your way through thousands to get to them. it's a crazy night and good to see but from our point of view; over-hyped, too busy and too much hard house. We actually had an amazing night a few nights before the full moon as it wasn't as packed, more room to dance and a lot more chilled out. The buckets are great and two between us was more than enough. A bucket contains ice, one half bottle of spirit, one can of fizzy pop and either one carton of juice or red bull.Two days after the full moon we left for Ko Samui, where we were to meet my parents who were coming over for a holiday.
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