Well we got to Santa Cruz and it was a lovely hot day, so we all decided to find a pool the next day and sunbathe. Of course when the next day came it was overcast and cold so we has to entertain ourselves in Santa Cruz by walking around the town (which was pretty much a ghost town on a Sunday), and going on a pedalo (Peasholm Park style), and going on the internet. Anyway that night we had to catch an overnight train to the Bolivian border, then a taxi to the Brazilian side, then a bus out to a camp site!
Gettting on the train was a drama in itself. Brian our dippy tour leader decided to go off and buy some sweets just as we needed to get on the train. He had also forgotten to pay the town tax for us, so we ended up bribing the man on the gate to let us past (the queue at that point to pay the tax was too long). Once on the train it was fine - if a little cold (well freezing actually - another thing Brain forgot to tell us!!).
We got into Brazil fine and were picked up by our guides for a camping trip into the Pantanal wetlands. Well we weren?t actually camping, we were sleeping in hamocks.
The wetlands were interesting, we saw toucans, kingfishers, aligators, an anteater, an armadillo, some really big white birds, monkies and other stuff. We even went horse riding which was nice. We also went pirhana fishing - however I didn?t manage to catch any this time, although I did tast one (not alot of meat on it really just alot of bones).
Now we are in Bonito and have a few long travel days ahead of us to get to the Iguassu falls. Because of that I am going to spend tommorrow chilling out (hopefully in the sun, although so far Brazil hasn?t been that hot!!).
All the best,
Louise x.
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