Having the best time still, mainly helped by the fact that we have such wonderful hosts with a lovely flat. Last sunday we had a very lazy day, eating lots of yummy food. Liz cooked us her famous bean soup for lunch, we then watched australia with popcorn and sweets and then had the most gorgeous roast chicken dinner followed by apple crumble and custard. Truely amazing, considering we have lived off pasta and rice for 2 months!
Mon and tues were quite wet days, lots of on off showers so we did lots of indoor activities. we visited the aquarium, very cool going in these glass tunnels under all the sharks. We also went to the maritime museum which was a bit boring!Went to a comedy night on monday which was good. Tues we went to some more museums and did a bit of shopping, i actually have some new clothes!mainly warm ones fror NZ but i couldnt resist buying a purple dress. All from a ridiculousy cheap shop!
Wed i had a surf lesson which was pretty cool. On a deserted beach south of sydney, had about 3 hours in the water and managed to stand up at least 3 or 4 times!have so many scrapes and bruises from falling over loads and everything still aches now. It is so tiring as the surfboards are quite heavy and it is hard to keep dragging them back into the water.
Yesterday we went for a coastal walk from bondi to coogee which was gorgeous as there were stunning views and the sun was out. Last night had the most fun experience of going to a Vogue pre fashion week party. My friend from uni had a friend with the right contacts and got us into this really posh party. Overlooking the harbour, everyone really dressed up, free champagne, a fashion show, more free cocktails!So much fun and we even got our picture taken by some photographers, so hopefully il be in Vogue soon!Got absolutely wasted on free drinks and then ended the night dancing away at some club i blagged us into for free in Kings cross. Brilliant night!
But the hangover today was not so good!And had to get up early as we had decided to go up to palm beach where home and away is filmed. Will's friend lent us a car so me alex and will had a little road trip up the coast (poor liz was working!) Gorgeous day again so spent time sunbathing, swimming in the waves and taking lots of photos of alfs surf shop! We then had a pub lunch before hitting another beach in the afternoon.
Ready for our last weekend in Sydney now as leaving monday for canberra.I dont want to leave this place!
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