Yesterday we were rudely awaken by our alarms, in the mist of a deep alcohol induced sleep. We eventually managed to drag ourselves out of bed and quickly got ready and loaded our backpacks onto the bus, with the help of the lovely Sergio, as always!
We had one pick up in Puerto Varas town (German guy and new comer to our bus) and had a long days driving, making only brief loo breaks and fuel stops, arriving at Salto de Laja Waterfalls, via 'Las Angeles', at approximately 5.00pm. We settled into our triple room including en-suite, with Bella, before heading out to the falls. We briefly browsed the stalls near the entrance to the path of the falls and then wandered down, took photos and admired the lovely falls with the sunset skies providing an idyllic backdrop. The 3 of us were then quite peckish and made our way to a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a meal surrounded by chicks, kittens and a lone dog, all fighting over our leftovers! Laura had Porotas Granados, Sarah had a chicken, beef and sweetcorn pie and Bella had a rather dry salmon and mash. After our meal we made the walk back to our room and sorted out our bags (again!), whilst listening to Laura's MP3 Player and had a lovely warm shower before flopping into bed.
This morning we could have easily slept all day, but instead dragged ourselves out of bed and packed our bags onto the bus, for the last time, just before 8.00am. It was only 15 minutes down the road to our first stop of the day, breakfast. After over half an hour we were back on the bus and literately slept the majority of the way back to Santiago, waking for a wine tour at the Balduzzi Winery in San Javier. We were shown around the cellar, the huge barrel-like cylinders and the bottle production line, where we were told about the whole wine-making process. The best bit was saved until last - the tasting!! We enjoyed tasters of Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvugnon, Merlot and a 'Late Harvest', which was a very sweet, syrup-looking desert wine, by far our favourite! It was then back on the bus were we then tried, but failed, to keep our eyes open. We stopped after a couple of hours at a roadside restaurant for a very stodgy ham and cheese sandwich and Laura got some fruit from a nearby stall. Then it was another 2 hours back to Santiago where we first said our goodbyes to Perry (Jazz musician from New York), as we dropped him off at another hostel, before arriving on the other side of town at La Casa Roja, where we said our goodbyes and thanks Jorje, Mellisa (the trainee tour guide) and our favorite, Sergio the driver!
After settling back into La Casa Roja, we went to the local supermarket for some provisions. Back at the hostel we enjoyed stir fry veg in front of the tellie, then popped down to the Pachamama slide show to grab a couple of free Pisco Sours cocktails, before settling down for some more TV time!!
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