We got our second to last greyhound bus to Noosa, which is a seaside town north of Brisbane. We checked in at our hostel which seemed nice but our room mates had claimed the whole room!! (this is not good dorm etiquette) so I moved there stuff off our beds and we went to explore. There was a welcome meeting at the hostel and we made some friends! We finally met our room mates who were miserable and had put their towel back on our beds to dry!! (the cheek).
They were terrible room mates as his alarm went off at 4.35am, 4.45am, 4.55am and again at 5.05!! I made it quite clear it had woken me up so he got up. Next thing I hear is a phone ringing and he answered it at 8.15!! (when did he sneak back in?!) by now I am fuming and either they are leaving or we are!! Luckily they checked out (I was a bit disappointed I was fired up to go to reception and complain) Ahh well.
We had a chilled few days in Noosa, went for a walk along the coast and saw some dolphins. Then it was time to head for Brisbane.
Our hostel was right in the centre and quite nice despite the stories we had heard. We had no roommates on the first night (must have heard what a grumpy cow I am!) We went for a wander around the city and had a tour of the XXXX Brewery. The best bit for me was the ticket (it was a beer mat.... So cool) but we got free samples and drinks.
There isn't much to see in Brisbane so we have hired a camper and set off for Sydney!!
- comments
Mum Sounds great to me - mind you don't think the alarm would have made it to third ring if you're Dad had been there!!!