Hi all, sorry it's been a while the internet isn't too good in China.
We arrive in Yichang about 9.30 at night after a long day travelling so off to bed we went as we had to be up early for a boat trip the next day.
We walked to the boat port for 8am and it was soooo cold as it was a bit misty, the boat was nice though we set off down the Yangtze River towards a massive dam/lock that we had to go through. It was really good and so fast!! But a bit weird although not as weird as the show the boat staff did after we past through the lock. It was all in Chinese and they picked the a random man out of the audience to "marry" this girl it's was strange to say the least. The view from the boat was good. After about 4 hours we stopped and were led to a bus which we shared with local Chinese people, which took us to our lunch stop!!! The Chinese people like to stare at us westerners so 15 turning to lunch was a big thing! Plus they sat us right by the door so everyone could walk past and stare a bit more!!!!! Lunch was an experience I really enjoyed my 3 bowls of plain boiled rice, the chickens foot and whole fish (even it's eye) were enough to put me off.
After lunch we went to the Three Gorges Dam which is the biggest in the world apparently but by this point we had had enough so just led on the grass in the sun. Cue more staring!!
The next day we left at lunch time to get our train to Yangshuo, another bullet train followed by a sleeper. We arrived at 6.30 to pouring rain (the first we had seen since we left). Our hotel was not the best our first room was damp so we moved to a "nicer" one (yeah right) but the town was good and surprisingly most people understood us and they had some normal food!!! (Yippee for me)
We had no plans while we here which was lucky as it rained for the first 2 days but we walked to a look out which was good. This place is strange though as it's a big town surround by rocks and mountains, hard to explain. The 3rd day we had a Tai Chi lesson which was so good and we were amazing at!! We did It on the river bank which surprisingly attracted quite a crowd. I tell you we are famous in China so many people were taking pictures and watching it was quite funny.
On our last day I did a calligraphy lesson which was really good but so hard and I was rubbish at it to be honest I'll stick with English I think. We left on our last sleeper train after attracting yet again another massive crowd at the station. It mainly seems to be men though and they stand watching very odd.
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