What a nightmare couple of days I have had! In my attempt to find farm work, I travelled to a little town called Geeveston, right at the bottom of Tasmania. I didn't realise quite how little it was, but apparently it only has 1000 people in it. There was no work going apart from work in a fish factory, and the idea of that disgusted me at first! And it was working 2am til 1pm.
After chatting to the other backpackers, (who ALL worked there) it didn't seem that bad and was gonna stick it out for a couple of weeks. Then I spent the night in the hostel.... It is freezing down here (well compared to what I'm used to!), and gets realllllly cold at night times. The hostel room I was in had a window that was jammed open, and the whole hostel didn't have any bedding you had to supply your own. So I had the worst night's sleep ever, I have never felt so cold in my life! And today I have really bad back ache from curling myself up in a little ball attempting to get warm!
So, I got the first bus back to Hobart and am back to square one on the job front - grrrr. I managed to get out of paying for my night in the hostel though. If the hostel would have been better I would have taken that job, but it was on a par with the one I stayed at in Ayr - it was awful! The woman who ran it was rough and lived in a caravan out the back. She was nice enough, but always drunk apparently!
There were 3 kids running around the place too, which apparently weren't hers - they were street kids which she's taken in. The one boy couldn't have been any older than 10 and he was drinking the whole time I was there.
So yeah... back to the start. In Hobart again. Going to see if I can get a tour round Tassie for a few days and see the highlights before getting on the job hunt again. I've found two working hostels in Tas and have responded to an ad I saw in the hostel, fingers crossed someone will have a job in a few days! Nightmare!
I am verrrry tired. Ooo the other reason I prob wouldn't have stayed in that hostel is that it was about 15 Korean people, 3 French and one other English dude. Oo and a Kiwi and an Aussie. But it didn't look like much fun staying there and I think if I was working 2am til 1pm everyday with fish and not have anyone to chat to at the end, I may go insane.
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