Got a flight from Malaysia to Phuket on Wednesday. Saw a woman in security being screamed at, pushed over and dragged away by a security guard. Very scary thing to see, a reminder of how different things are out here and how careful you have to be. Flight was about an hour, ears hurt ALOT. Travelled from Phuket to Surat Thani on a coach, stupid bus driver wouldn't turn his music down for the 5 hour journey, so no sleep. Saw an elephant casually strolling through the grenery though! So so beautiful. Quite glad I was awake to see it all. Got to Surat Thani and got on the back of a truck and were driven to Dansak where we got the ferry to Koh Samui, then got a speed boat to Koh Phangan. Loved the speed boat! Jen, Jess and Clara were clinging on for dear life however. Staying in Rainbow Bungalows which are gorgeous little hut type things right on a quiet, clean beach. 7 pounds a night, luxery but so cheap?! Met Grace and Lucy here, SOOO happy to see them! Woke up the next day and ate a fruit salad on the beach, spent all day just lounging, made friends with some really nice dogs :). Night time went for Mexican which was amazing then got some stupidly cheap drinks on the beach. Been trying to catch some sun today because we're all embaressingly pale but no such luck, rained every day since we got here. Looking through our bags on the first night and realised Jess had her trainers stolen and my Ipod charger, camera lead and some english pounds had been taken. Must have been when we got the truck ride because mine and Jess' bags were the only ones in the front. There's a shop here where I can get another so not the worst thing that could have happened. Full moon party is tomorrow, yey! I have a really stingy chin..any ideas? Anywho can't think of much else to say right now! Hope all is well, please leave comments on here and facey b because I won't be able to text until I get another charger for my phone. Lots of love x
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