Well….it's been a while since I updated my blog so thought I better do it now!
I ended up spending about 2 ½ months in Melbourne which is the most I've spent in one place since leaving home! But I have to say I Love Melbourne!! I think I am destined to live here; it is my surname after all!
It was so sad leaving Vic at Brisbane as I've spent the last 5 months travelling with her and we had constant fun when we are together! But it was good as I got to meet up with Lou + Beki again. I was booked into this amazing hostel called Home @ The Mansion and it was literally a Mansion!! It was so posh its unreal…even had a grand staircase! Love it! The bathrooms were amazing too, made good use of them on more than one occasion ;)
I've met so many nice people in Melbourne too and had loads of drunken night out, no change there! Plus I've met a guy ;) We've spent loads of time together and get on really well! Most nights out we ended up in the Crown Casino as most of the bars close quite early and the casino never closes! I love that place! I went there on my first night in Melbourne and I was just like OMG!! I've also met up with loads of people that I met travelling in Asia, as most people go to Asia, then Australia.
The Australian Gran Prix was in Melbourne last month and a few of us climbed over the fence and went inside for a minute! Then when it was finishing we all went inside and walked around the track, then somehow we got chatting to these guys who got us into the section where we watched these stuntmen doing flips on motorbikes….all for free!
I've done most of the tourist things in Melbourne too, like seeing different suburbs (St Kilda, Fitzroy, Brunswick, Carlton etc), river Yarra, Eureka Tower etc.
Back in February we hired a car and drove the Great Ocean Road which was amazing! It was really sunny and saw some amazing beaches! Got some great pictures too! Stayed in this tacky Motel overnight and ended up eating at Hungry Jacks (Burger King) for our tea and getting drunk off cheap wine which tasted like vinegar!! haha classy me!
I went to an open air cinema too one night with a few people that was wicked, although I don't think the locals quite understood The Inbetweeners Movie like we did!
I've also had to work while I've been in Melbourne (unfortunately) and I've had a range of jobs from selling over the phone (I only lasted 1 ½ days - haha) to working in a char grilled chicken shop (lasted 6 shifts), to working in a shares call centre, telling people how rich they are! haha
The last few weeks I moved hostels to where Lou & Bex were staying and I had so much fun there, I kinda wish I had moved there before! Each night our room got a visit from the mouse which woke me up every night! My Mum would have hated it there! Hahaha On my first week we won joker poker which meant between 4 of us we won: 8 jugs of beer, 8 shots, 4 long drinks and a free drink for all the men in the bar!! We also used to go to this "rooftop bar" AKA the car park and get drunk off goon! $10 for a box of goon is what it's all about when you're a backpacker! So many drunken antics happened up here too……
On my last night in Melbourne I got taken out to a really fancy restaurant on the river with white tablecloths, candles the works, all for himto spill his red wine all over the table... just about missing my cream top! It was so funny!!
I can't think of any more stories but there has been so many! I need to write here more often as I forget so much!
I'm starting my farm work on Tuesday in New South Wales in the middle of nowhere, but going via Sydney so staying with Sarah and Dan for the night and checking out their apartment!
- comments
Phil Sounds like your having a great time. Red wine all over the table is definitely a story to remember! haha x
charlotte Never gonna forget that night! ;) x
mum and dad Lovely to read your blog charlotte keeping us informed of what you are getting up to Ha ha.