Well…the farm work didn't really go to plan!! It started off so well too! A bit of a surprise to find our hostel used to be a police station, and it felt like we were sleeping in prison cells! But apart from that, the actual hostel seems pretty Ok, even had a big pool! The hostel owner guaranteed me and Vic decent jobs within the next few days, and Sarah and Dan were set to arrive a few days after us so everything was going well! He even took a few of us out on his boat and we went wakeboarding - somehow, I managed to do really well! After literally 3 attempts, I was wakeboarding like I had been doing it for ages!! I really loved it actually - at one point I remembered looking around and just smiling, as there was beautiful lakes, and beautiful forests all around me, and I was wakeboarding pretty well on this man's boat, all free and he also provided food and alcohol all day and night too!
After that things went a bit wrong, as the work kept starting "tomorrow" then tomorrow would come and he would say "tomorrow" again. So me and Vic decided to cut out losses and make a prison break and back to Brisbane. So after a week in Bundaberg, we are back where we were a week ago! That's just the way it goes though. We both have until December this year to complete our 88 days farm work so there's no rush really. Think our general plan is to stay and get jobs in Brisbane for the next few months, then do our 3 months farm work then travel a bit. I will be home for a few weeks for Amy's wedding in September, come back out to Australia and work and travel some more then go back to Asia probably and continue living the dream and loving life!! THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER!! There is so many places that I want to go to, outside of Australia so I think this year will mainly be saving and travelling Australia, so that I can go and see more places next year!! I absolutely love my life and love travelling!!
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