My trip just keeps getting better and better!! Tubing was so much fun it's difficult to describe how much fun it was on here but hopefully my pictures show what it's like. this vidoe from you tube shows it better (ignore the last bit about injuries)! There was a really good group of us which made things even more exciting - Me, Vic, Nina, Leigh, Curtis, Jai, Tom and Captain Fun. Well I was here for 7 days so that's says quite a lot in itself. We stayed at Spicy Laos, but even though we had booked online they didn't have ebough beds for us so they made all of us stay in the tv room! We were all literally squashed together, some of us on benches and the rest of us on the floor on these mat things! All I remember is one night someone was snoring really badly, someone else shouted out 'blow job' when Vic asked if he wanted anything (she meant water), Tom lying really close to Vic when she rolled over and a random cat walking through us all who we named Huxley - God knows how the cat got in as the door was closed! On the first day of tubing all of us went tubing and I didn't really know what to expect. I've seen other people's pictures but its never the same as experiencing things first hand. We had to get a tuk tuk there and we didn't bother with getting tubes even! The tubes are for floating between bar and bar, but everyone had told us just to swim/float between bars so we all risked it! Jai can't swim so he came and walked round to the bars and took all my pictures for me, which was really sweet! When we first arrived at the first bar on the river you get a whiskey poured down your neck and a little bracelet. Everyone is just chilling by the river, drinking, chatting, dancing and generally having fun. You have to buy a waterproof bag to keep your money in then we all just started drinking! Theres spray paint flying around the place and pens and we got rabdom stuff written over oyur bodies! The second bar you can walk to, but the third you have to cross the river which was fun. Then theres men who throw out a rope with a bottle attached which you grab and they pull you in. sounds weird but its true! On this bar there's a massive wooden diving ledge which people were jumping off and I really wanted to do but didn't dare! After ages I walked up, then stood at the top for ages with people going in front of me and be being an idiot still didn't want to do it. One girl actually said to me, "you don't have to do it if you don't want to you know" Haha. I was thinking, I know, I just need more courage! Eventually I just jumped, screaming and holding my strapless bikini up!! I wasn't as bad as I thought it was, so I don't how people die doing this! The next bar there was a swing rope and I was well up for that one! Again my new look bikini did we proud as when I let go of the rope I held onto it and had no exposures!! I did the swing rope somany times as it was so addictive!! The next bar was a little swim away but I got stuck in loads of branches anc reeds and was left on my own! As a strong swimmer, I managed to swim to the bar and reward myself with a can of Beer Lao and a trip on the slide! Everyone was really wasted and Vic was being sick over the side of the wooden deck at one point, and as a good friend I held her hair back for her! I think the first day of tubing was the best as I didn't know what to expect and we had a really good of people who were all up for a laugh and good fun! The pictures are wicked and the videos are too, but photos never do the experiences full justice! In total I went tubing 3 days and went out most nights too! It was such a good week overall, even though one night when we were eating my leg hurt me a little so had a quick look and saw a massive bruise on both sides of my thighs!! I have no idea how I did it! Guessed it was from tubing somehow - either hitting the water, or hitting rocks or something! Oh well, it's only a bruise and it will fade, but my memories wont J Then one night after a 'fruit shake' I left the bar with a bit of a hazy mind and remember seeing a purple dog walking by and thinking, is that real??? There must be so many more funny stories that happened, but I've got a mental block and can't remember them - or I was probably too drunk to remember them more like.
After about 5 days of going out and having fun me and Vic were all partied out and we checked into a posh guesthouse with fluffy pillows and duvets and a balcony which costs a grand total of $4 each! Probably one of the nicest guesthouses we've stayed in! I'm just so run down now as just partied way too much with not much sleep and too much drink! Some R & R is in desperate need!
Yesterday Becky and Louise came and we went tubing again and had loads of fun! All our other friends have gone now and it's not the same without them all L I'm leaving for Luang Prabang in the morning as I need to get out of Vang Veing as its ruing my health!! I need water and fruit!!
I'm making Vang Vieng just sound just like another drinking destination, but there's another element for me personally. I met an awesome group of people who I will never forget and felt completely comfortable around them all! I also had loads of memorablel moments with people, and this place which made me realize that I am properly 'living the dream' and there is more to life than working 9 - 5 at this particular time of my life! I am so glad that I came travelling! It's the best decision I've made so far in my life!
- comments
mum and dad very good charlotte we love reading you blogs.
amy err theres a few things that need to be censored in there haha!!
lottie to be fair i think only u and Mum& Dad read it and you know what i get up to anyway so doesnt really matter! x