Paradise in Peru
After an intense time in Huaraz since Christmas, we were ready for a bit of a rest... lightweights! A friend had recommended a place on the northern coastline called Mancora, not far from the border with Ecuador. So we set off for a few days with few expectations, just hoping it'd be relaxing.
Mancora is as close to heaven on earth that we've found! Golden sands, warm sea, pure sunshine, unparalleled sunsets, in a word: 'paradise'. And what's better, the hotel we stayed in gives discounts to missionaries working in Peru. Result!! The hotel's location was perfect and although simple, its rustic decor only added to its charm. Great food, great service, great rest, great views, great company! Even if it did take 18 hours of constant travelling to get there.
Feeling refreshed, relaxed and very reluctant to leave, we headed back down to Lima from Mancora, via the town of Tumbes where Pizarro and the first Spanish Conquistadores had landed to begin the mighty conquest of South America. Again, the Duracell bunny Saunderson kindly put us up and brought us to Latin Link's Peruvian Annual Team Conference. This year it was at a cool monastery near Chosica, about an hour inland from Lima. Set amid rocky desert mountains, the centre was a green haven of tranquility, and a great opportunity for us to meet the rest of Latin Link's Peru team. We spent 4-5 days attending seminars, talks, hearing about other projects in Cuzco and Arequipa, and worshipping God together. There must've been about 50 of us, and it was a real time of encouragement and refreshement for us to hear how God is doing some incredible things in this country. With many inspiring people and brilliant Bible based teaching on 2 Timothy, it was just what we needed to re-focus us for heading back to Huaraz. The Peru team is going through a time of change with some missionaries retiring, others changing projects and the leadership passing into the capable hands of Paul Turner, but it's very strong and remains Latin Link's largest team.
Having had a very different last fortnight, we stayed one final night back in Lima before making our 7th 8-hour slog back up to Huaraz. This final night, by amazing coincidence, coincided with the opening of Les Miserables across Peru, something we'd been dying to see! What a film, though it did leave us both a bit emotionally drained (Big G - thought of you throughout!). Well worth the taxi ride there where we were stuck in traffic for over an hour with a driver who enjoyed beeping his horn in time with the reggeton beats he was blasting out. Almost as good as the bus bingo we were subjected to en route to Huaraz when the stewardess made the winners dance to Gangnam Style up and down the aisle, hilarious. Only in Peru!
Now back in Huaraz, it's been a great couple of weeks to change the pace and realise again how privileged we are to be living here. Feeling very blessed, with even more determination to give God our all, for He is so faithful.
- comments
KP I played bus bingo in Peru! Hannah Marshall won. This blog reads like Karen wrote it. Lots of love to you both. xo.
Daphne Bailie Very good blog lots of info which is so interesting, keep it up, although prob takes some time to jot down all you pair have been doing. Life in Lisburn in the rain, grey skies seems a bit dull - but did see Les Mis. Excellent but still prefer the live show. Had a lovely 6/7 mile walk by the Yellow River near Hilltown/Rostrevor and it did not rain. There were 11 of us, packed lunch by a babbling brook!! St Patrick's Day today and he did not turn even a small stone over !!. Supposed to bring good weather if it is sunny on 17 March. Have been a bit of a pain for Ian, had to ask him to sort out my printer and laptop but he is a "Wizard" Have passed your Losrobbos site on to my cousin Pat Haley who with her husband Barry live in Durban (also cousin of your Gran Isobel Kirkwood). Pat and Barry head off on 14 April to visit their son, daughter in law and two grandaughters in Richmond in the north of South Is,. New Zealand . Wishing you both God's blessing, good health and encouragement in all your work in Peru.