Panda says: *grunting noise* do I really have to write a blog.
loo says: yes!!
Panda says: we had a photo shoot. Had lots of fun. Blog lets have a drink and have some fun!
loo says: No! tell them about the photo shoot panda!! atleast update someones blog!! im sure your mum will appreciate it.. am i right debbie!!
Panda says: FINE! Ok so we went to a photo shoot at a London photo studio that does photographs for magazines etc etc you get my drift.
Loo says: AWE-SOME!
Panda say: Anyway...Loo looks like a drag queen and I look like a froofy girl (loos making me "say outta the photoshoot" but she IS a drag queen so I don't know why she is making me specify that). Our photographer was hilarious and fun to work with. He had the funniest laugh to get you to smile before the photo. It was ha ha ha ha (imaging that in a girly singing voice). Makes us laugh just thinking about it.
Loo says: im not a drag queen.. just cause i have man hands.. feel the power!! so now that everyone knows.. im not a feakin drag queen, we'll get on with the photoshoot. like panda said photographer was hilarious and so nice & he said we were fun which we thought meant annoying and bad at getting our photo taken.. but turns out we got 86 photos taken which is 36 more than the minimum they have to.. if the photographers having fun, he takes more.. yay we're fun!! we saw someone elses photos (on the downlow) they only got 40 something.. and lady!
Panda says: we went pass Bow Street so one more monopoly board piece down...yay!
loo says: and we got free wine at the photoshoot!
Panda says: Now this blog thingy makes more sense doesn't it. PS. HI MUM!
Loo says: Photos are in the album. PEACE!
Loo and Panda take a bow. THE END.
Panda says: Thank god...time to part-ay!
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