After taking a minivan which was surprisingly ok, (apart from being thrown around like a sack of potatoes because I didn't have a proper seat). We arrived into Vang Vieng - Tubing central!!! After getting a tuk-tuk and the guy being clueless where our guest house was (which is really annoying because it is a tiny place and they know where nothing is, that is all tuk-tuk drivers, obviously you don't take a test to become one, you buy it). Our room was a place to sleep - not the best, not the Hotel New King in Delhi. We didn't do much this night, went back and prepared for the tubing tomorrow.
A quick bit of info if you are unaware of the joys of Tubing, you basically hire a tractor inner-tube, use it as a rubber ring, float down a river, and holler at guys to throw you a rope and pull to into a bar....there are lots of bars and I think it runs for about 3km.... needless to say, we didn't make it to the end. When I heard that they don't scrimp on the booze because the local stuff is cheaper than the soft drink mixer, I knew it was gonna be a good day!!! So cometh the hour (that be 12pm)... cometh the party!!! and what a party it was!!! Music pumping, sun shining, beer pong, chilling to the max and we were loving it. Vodka and coke and M-150 (this is the Asian Red Bull, but is 4 time stronger and more like rocket fuel!!!!!) It went down all the same.... too easily. Needless to say Sean was very drunk at about 2pm, me and this American guy thought something was missing from our life, we needed to jump off of a 30ft plank into a river.... well would you believe what was next to us, only a 30ft high diving board. It was pretty high when you got up and after a nail biting game of rock, paper, scissors (to see who jumped first and therefore tested how deep the water was) I won and he plunged in and it turned out the water was only 1.5 meters deep and he broke both his legs..... just kidding, he was fine and I jumped after and then fuelled with adrenaline made countless attempts to get to the bar but Laura said I had had too much and I had so prob best to start on the water, after all it was 4pm. So we floated down the river until we realised we were not gonna make the impossible 6pm deadline so we met some other Brits and headed back on a tuk-tuk.
The time is now 8pm and we are both nursing hangovers, so to the massive burger joint we go. The name Whopping Burger did not let us down when the burgers arrived, they were huge!!! Just what we needed, we then went to the room and slept, a much needed sleep.
Our last day in Vang Vieng began with a pasty and a pie in an Irish bar (as far as mornings go, that is up there) and we prepared for our adventure and night bus to Pakse. Bring on the south!!!!
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