As much as Anouk would like to think she is the centre of my universe, I am referring, on this occasion, to my physical universe. And this is my little flat in St Leonard's-On-Sea, East Sussex. Which due to all the commas, capitals and dashes in the town name is more difficult to type that reading Welsh. So for a lot of the time I shall refer to it as SLOS, which is quicker to write.
With my previous blogs it has been a goal to get somewhere or do something, this time I have really no idea what to expect of 2013. But I am going to open my mind to anything and see what happens. No invite too bizarre (must be legal), I may have move to the old smuggling capital of England, but I don't intend to take on some traditions. But this year is an open book and for me a time to see who I am and what I like.
So to start I thought I would a give detail of where I am physically and tell you, my faithful readers, about my little universe on the coast. My flat is a 2 1/2 bedroom 2nd floor flat in a renovated Georgian terrace. Yep that is it in the picture and I am the flat with the balcony and french doors. It is warm and for the most part dry, but I'll get to that in a minute. My lounge has all I need right now. Couch, stereo (currently playing Peter Gabriel), table, piano and kitchen with a coffee machine, so all the essentials. Ten foot ceilings are a challenge to change a light bulb in so I am having a savings race to buy a ladder before the bulbs all blow. Currently the ceiling is ahead 1 : 0. But there is plenty of room for pictures and they are high enough for hanging my biggest brass rubbings, so not all bad. There is an entrance hall with a light that used to flicker, but has gone out completely.
My bedroom has a 'noice' plastic chandelier which has water running through it in a storm which I am waiting for the Landlord to fix. Apparently the ceiling got lowered during the renovation and there is a leaking air brick on the outside wall of the building. I would not worry so much about the leak, except it comes in through the light, and on New Years Eve when it last leaked I put a bucket under the leak then promptly tripped over it in the dark a few hours later, defeating the need for the bucket in the first place. My bed is a blow up mattress at the moment. A bed is on the wish list, but given the nature of the leak, it is easier to relocate an airbed to another room, so not all bad.
The other bedroom is becoming a library and fitness room. More book shelves will always be on my wish list, because if I have the space I will buy another book. Also my personal trainer and I use the room for exercise and I have my mountain bike and rock climbing gear in there. Eventually I would like one big comfy arm chair to sit and read in. There is a nice one in a shop window in the SLOS high street. The little 1/2 size room down the 2 inside steps is storage and ironing at the moment. I'll be honest, I doubt it will become anything else, but I would like to tidy it up a bit so a spare sleeping place is available if more than 1 person ever comes to stay......hint to many friends.
There is a bathroom and a loo. But I thought that would be assumed and they are nothing super to write about and I use them for the purpose for which they were built. I do have a towel heater which I must say is very nice. Also I have the car spot off the road where the old Renault currently resides, ignored, while I wait for my license to be processed.
Well that is the flat. My upstairs neighbour is a single mum who is friendly, but does think everyone likes her music so plays it loud ALL the time. But as I have a good stereo and one Susan Boyle album, I do get my own back occasionally. I also have some Barbara Streisand, Japanese Kabuki and the 1812 Overture in reserve. But in fairness it is not too bad. The downstairs family have a new baby who cries now and then, but again the flats are fairly well insulated, so cars in the street are louder and even then not too bad. In the basement flat there is a guy I have only met briefly and he has a border collie I have met more often. But it is nice actually knowing your neighbours, rather than London where I met only on set out of all in the 2 years I was there.
SLOS is not a bad place to live. Hastings was there during the Norman Conquest in 1066, but it was closer to SLOS where they came ashore as there was nothing here. SLOS is 2 miles west of Hastings but essentially the same town as there is no discernible green space between them. It was built entirely as a late Georgian early Victoria seaside resort and the building reflects this. Where the buildings are much later, post 1950, we can thank the Nazi Air force for their attention to detail during WWII. Even the statue of Queen Victoria on the the seafront has a machine gun wound in her right knee. So there are a few butt ugly 60's monstrosities around. But there are also plenty of gardens and parks and a fantastic 2 level esplanade walk that runs along the seafront from Hastings Old Town to Bexhill. Several miles of public, uninterrupted walking, jogging, riding etc. It is nice that the seafront is not privately owned.
SLOS has a bold station called Warrior Square, which is the name of the main garden with the statue of Queen Vic.....?the warrior?. The high street is nothing special. There are Takeaways from China, India, Africa and the Caribbean along with all the shops I could need. The pubs are the real let down, but I have Hastings Old Town for that.
The whole area is promoted as 1066 Country and markets the whole William the Conqueror history. Which is fair enough because this is the Hastings where the Battle of Hastings took place. And the aptly named 'Battle' is up the road and there are several other Norman this and Norman that place names. Also Hastings was a smuggling port and one of the Cinque Ports. Check your history folks, I have. There are caves, cliffs lookouts and Henry VIII old Martello Towers are still dotted about.
Speaking of cliffs, I have joined the Rock N Fell climbing club. So am starting to try my hand at rock climbing. Also bought a mountain bike and joined the gym and started swimming. I really want to get fit and I have actually put on a few kilos since moving here, and this is not due to Christmas eating.
In Hastings Old Town there is a nice pub called the Royal Standard, which is now my local. Also a Jerwood gallery, amusement park, castle ruins, Marks and Spencers and Odean cinema. There are several local theatre groups and 3 theatres. I can get a train to London in 90 mins and to Brighton in 1 hour if I want the big smoke.
Anyway, I quite like it here. I am getting a British drivers license, getting my permanent visa and have a stable job in Hastings. My income is stable and quite good for this part of the world. The train to France is close and I can be in Paris in 3 hours if I chose. I am not allowed to have a dog in this flat, which is a shame, but I still get to have Anouk often. The only change I can predict is perhaps moving to the Old Town if the opportunity arises as my social life is all at that end of the area, SLOS does not have a nice pub and unless you live up on the hill and further from the seafront, it can be a bit rough at night. Nothing compared to London, but I am glad I am on the main road and not a back street.
Well that's it for the time being. I have loaded emails again from previous blogs. I wont be offended if you don't read or respond very often, or even if you block or ignore. But I like writing this blog and for the friends and family who don't use all the other social media available, this is a good way to keep in touch.
Love to all, I hope to get my first 'Ticket for One' to somewhere soon.
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Mum & Dad Keep up your blog for all the people like us who don't bother with facebook, twitter, uTube etc. We look forward to when your blog comes in