Hey peeps, lauren here.
Well bloody hell what can i say?!?!? Bangkok is manic! We've had an eventful first few das. the house and family we are staying with are really lovely so we've always got a safe haven to escape back to! The first day (yesterday) we ventured out after an immense lie in...major jet lag!....we got a bit scared by the people who all seemed to o woop as we walked past, very strange! Plus everywhere smells a bit funny! lol. anyway, managed to find a little seven/eleven shop (like a spar) so we bought ome crisp and chocolate and scuttle back home. (when i got home i realised the packet of green walkers crisps i bought thinkin were salt and vinegar were in fact seaweed....not a nice surprize!) so yesterday night we went to the infamous khao san road and had a look around, very busy, loads of travellers and stalls with cheap stuff! met some aussie guys who chatted to us, bought us a 'bucket' (a thai drink which literally is in a bucket!) and thumb wrestled a litle thai boy for some roses....was a good laugh, but we soon left their company and did our own thing (they were a bit full on :s) plus till was a tinsy bit drunk, we got a taxi back and the taxi driver, who spoke english which is rare, told me he loved me, very sweet but we were glad to get out of the taxi by the end of the journey! when we got home we ouldn't sleep til 5m here so werent going to be up very early today....
so today we got up at 2pm....very lazy girls! then we went out and got a tuk tuk! jane would be proud....its was a bit manic really! lol, but we got to our destination all in one piece, which was lampini park....very pretty and very thai. a bit like centrl park in new york but in bangkok instead! we had a chill there for a while and bought freshley squeezed orange juice off a lil thai gil which was lush. then we tk tuk'ed it home and had a thai take away with the family, who by the way eat the nicest food! we then decided to take a trip to the 'night market'. which is just what it says, a night market, but it also has a HUGE beer garden there and a ferris wheel and stuff so we had a look around the market and then sat for a while, had a few cocktails called a 'bingo' and then went on the ferris wheel. it was really relaxed there, good atmosphere. everywhere else has been a little manic and intimidating so far. so now we're back thanks to the taxi driver who didn't know where to take us which was interesting....and im writing to you!
Thank you all so so much for your messages it was so awesome to read, missin home loads and loads so its nice to hear from you.
Planning to go to the palace tomorrow so will try and update you all on monday before we leave on tuesday, really looking forward to oing to bali not so excited about the flight after the hurrendous one here but i guess we better get used to it!
Love you all loads....keep in touch! xxxx
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