heyloooo! sorry i havent updated for aaaages, been a mixture of lack of time and also when i have been staying in brisbane the computer i have been trying to update on wouldnt let me! however i have now sorted it and can llet you know all my news!
so thank you all sooooo much for my birthday messages, i had a lovely day with mum. we hired a soft top smart car and visited a waterfall named cedar creek falls which was beautiful and then we went up to a town called Bowen and chilled at a beach but as usual weather for my birthday it rained a bit which wasnt great. however in Bowen Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman were filming so we went to have a look at the set which was cool. then in the evening we went for a loovely meal in a place called Verandah and the foood was were the cocktails! cant believe im 19 tho, and even more cant believe its over a year ago that i had my party and we were all dressed up having a great time! scary
so when mum came up we spent a few days in sydney doin the harbour and opera house (actually did that the day mummy arrived so she did very well staying awake!), we also went to bondi beach and had a lil look around the centre of sydney. then we flew up to airlie beach were i went before with tilly and nyema....i love it there and i know mum did too! we went on a boat trip to visit the islands and whitehaven beach and did a lot of chillin at the lagoon and still managed to eat heathily thanks to a local juicing yummy helathy food shop which as you can imagine mum was very happy about! although our original plan was to come back to sydney for my birthday we ended up stayin at airlie beach and had a brill day and then went out partying in the night! was great! so i think mum had a great visit and it was so wonderful having her here all to myself for two weeks. was very very hard though leaving mum at the airport and had a bit of a cry, to be expected though i think. i then had a few days in sydney, whilst it tipped it down with rain and i got drenched! tilly wwas staying in a hostel so i went to visit her two days on the trot and we caught up on each others news and she gave me my birthday presents!!!
then last sunday i flew back up to brisbane, so now im staying with andrew and nyema...pete's nephew and his girlfirend and i start work on saturday(tomoro) in a place called the Belgian Beer Cafe, its quite posh :s but should be good i cant wait to start and have something to do and to earn me some money...theres only so long one can laze around doing nothing for and i never thought id say that!! andrew and nyema are great and i get on so well with nyema so thats good. however i reeeeeally miss having tilly around, see she's in sydney looking for work and has made a few friends in a hostel down there. but we will be meeting back up soon to go to new zealand and start our journey back to the uk!
so im not sure what you know and what you dont as far as what ive done and been doing is sooooo message me questions and then i can tell all and stuff. will be back on everyday now to check and stay in touch! love to everyone, missin you! xxxxx
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