Dear Lizzie,have just seen your blog of sliding down the glacier complete with sound effects It was amazing I didn't realize .We had the sound of the ice scrunching ,the natives shouting and the victorious finish ! Well done! I tried to type this earlier but got in a muddle ,but what a wonderful trip,we are so looking forward to having you home and hearing all about your wonderful adventures .Lots and lots of love , Nanxxxx
Hey Liz-beth!
So jealous, sounds great!! Just though I'd say a big hello - looks like I'll be moving down to Falmouth for a year in October so must have a leaving do when your back (obviously as well as a welcome home thing!) - if you ever come back that is!!!
Love ya
Sounds like you're having an absolute ball out there!! You're up to loads of crazy stuff is fun reading your blogs... Glad to see you're giving the diving another go, don't know if I'd remember what to do!! Try not to kick any sharks te he!
Have started a new block today - trying my hand at a bit of surgery eeek!! Watch out all patients in coventry... Booked flights to Greece in summer to go and stay with Anna and Tom both working for neilson in same resort so that will be really good fun and something to look forward to in AUgust yipee!!
Keep safe lizzie, lots love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Lizzie I got a lovely postcard from you in Bolivia.Thank you very much.I have been looking at your photos ,they are very interesting .I'm so pleased that your mum has shown me how to work this machine and she's been very kind as I'm sure I come in the slow learner category! I went on a coach trip to Poole yesterday with some of my O.A.P. contempories.What a contrast to your wonderful trip to a different continent!Look after yourself .Lots and lots of love, Nanxxx
Hey hun!
Glad to hear your having such an amazing time - vvvvv jealous!Missing you tonnes!Will send u email soon for a catch up!
see u soooooon!x!
So, you are staying out there longer. I am extremely jealous. Once you have started your job you won't have this chance again so you may aswell make the most of it.
I really want to go to the galapagos islands. It is top of my 'places i want to go to next' list. So i look forward to seeing all the pics and hearing all about it next time i see you.
The weather here is terrible. I thought it was snowing earlier!! (I don't think it was but it did look like it. The person who sits next to me told me it was 'fat rain' - not sure such a thing exists!!)
It was a bank holiday weekend this weekend and I had 3 different birthday celebrations to go to which was nice but it meant I spent the whole weekend either drunk or hungover. It was fun though.
Mum is on half term this week so she has come up to see me. I am meeting her after work at the tube (if she manages to navigate the tube on her own that is!).
well I had better get on with some work.
Take care and have fun.
Love caz xxxxx
Hey chick,
You lucky thing staying out there for another month. You are def not missing anything here, it rained all bank holiday :o(. No gossip to report either, I'm not sure where all the good looking guys hide in London.
I have met a few old faces tho, Tim Riley at Flippers leaving drinks. I have his number and he would love to catch up with you when you're back. Also I went for drinks with Tim Brooks and his old house mate Rob (i think). Well any way he remembered you!!!
Oh planning on coming surfing with you guys in August if there is still space for a little one. Do I speak to Kate about it as I need to book some time off work.
Chat soon chicken xxx
oh and by the way, i'm soooooo jealous that you've seen penguins!! hope you took some photos for me xxxxxxx
LIZZIE!!!!! have only just figgured out your whole blog thingy so apologies for not writing before... Sounds like you are having the most amazing time and glad you've decided to stay longer (altho of course missing you loads!!) I would stay as long as poss if I was you - nothing will have changed when you get home! Don't have much news really... Am in warwick hosp at the mo loving it :) and been doing a few days work at northampton watersports centre at wkends to earn some pennies! Having taken up running for some bizarre reason and doing race for life... went for trial run tonight and almost killed me!
Anyway, continue enjoying yourself!! can't wait to see all the photos and keep safe, loads love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear lizzie Sounds as though you are having a wonderful time.I am so pleased You are quite right to do these things while you've got the chance.Mind you when you get back we shall expect some first class lectures about your experiences.So you have been warned.The most exciting thing I,ve done is galley duty at the sailing club with your mum and its a typical bank holiday its raining. Lots of love nanxx
Wow, bomb making, pirahna fishing and tuk tuk robbery, it all sounds pretty exciting!
I haven't really got anything to compete with that, but news from my end..... I managed to get through my assessments and I've been offered a place next month. Unfortunately I was also hit with the bombshell that there's an issue with my medical, due to using an inhaler when I was younger. I should find out what's happening in a couple of weeks???
Anyway hope all's still well and look forward to you getting back, so you can show me how to blow stuff up!
Hey all, just a quick note as everythings really hectic at the moment - Im missing out on the vino caliente!!
Am in the process of changing my flights to return on the 1st July so I hope youre not missing me too much! These things have to be done though - I having such an amazing trip and not ready for it to end yet.
Ill be getting off the truck at Lima as planned and will travel north to Quito in Equador with some guys who are also getting off the truck. Very excited!! Then depending on the cost am dreaming of the Galapagos...... will see!
Anyway hope youre all well, lots of love as always xxxxxxxx