Day 6: Qualifying!
I started of my Saturday with a walk. I was up again before daylight and ready very quickly. I was getting more and more pumped for the F1 one to really kick off. I had made the decision to see a bit more of Melbourne and walk to Albert Park with a detour to the MCG and then back past the Tennis Arena, through the Botanic Gardens and onto the circuit. I set of at 7.30am strolling down Flinders Street, past the stunning Flinders Street Station and on towards Melbourne's home of cricket. From a little way in front of the MCG I was treated to a beuatiful view of the city's sky line. From there I wandered over to Rod Laver Arena, past Olympic Park and over the river to the Botanic Gardens.
Melbourne really is a city of massive contrast. It reminded me a little of London in that sense. One minute your in the heart of the city, the next you're wandering over the river, surrounded by trees and blocked off from the sound of the city. Its a lot more European.
After a good hour and a half's morning walk I arrived at the track an hour early, which is good because you're through the gates quickly, but it does leave a lot of spare time. I went in search of coffee. Having become a little bit of a coffee snob since being in Australia I wanted to make sure I got a decent latte. I'd spotted a good number of people with bright yellow coffee cups and stumbled upon the little Italian coffee cart just over from Gate 1. A very tasty smooth coffee. I was very impressed. I think the service helped and having someone say 'enjoy your day bella' in an Italian accent is a winner.
So I headed back to the line and took up my position on the grass. This was short lived as we were asked by a Channel 10 news crew to be in the background of their outside broadcast as they started with the build up to the race and Daniel Ricciardo's first race with Redbull.... I didn't mention I was a Button supporter and stood drinking my coffee and cheered at the appropriate point. Then it was time to head through to the circuit. I took up my seat in the Jones stand, just at the end of the straight and on the first corner. I was almost right on the end of the Pit Lane, great spot to see the cars coming out for Qually. The excitement and anticipation grew. By the time it had got to the beginning of qualifying I was pumped. The V8's, Porsche and Ferrari races before had got the adrenhaline going and it was now time to let all the excitement of the last few months loose! Melbourne decided to hamper this a fraction and showed us one of the many seasons it goes through during a day.
Just towards the end of qually 1 the heavens opened. I stayed mostly dry apart from a bit of a soggy backside where my jacket ended. This hampered qually a little with teams not sure which tyres were going to work best and after a promising first qually and start to the second it was to my dismay that Jenson didn't make it through to Qually 3. Raikkonen spun at the end of the run, bringing yellow flags and preventing Jenson from putting in his fast lap. I was wet and a little chilly for the next 30 mins with no one to cheer on..... oh how wrong I was.
Qually 3 was exciting. The support for Dan, the boy from WA, was immense. Every Aussie, whether they supported Redbull or not got behind him. Even more so when fastest laps started switching between him and Hamilton. my cue to yell 'Come on Dan!'. You couldnt help but get swept up in it. He had a great qually but unfortunately got pipped to the post at the last second by the guy in the Mercedes. Saturday was over and the adrenhaline was pumping. I headed off, walking from the track back to the YHA, drying off in the process and trying to wind down before bed. No chance! Plus there was the last game of the 6 Nations to watch!
Day 6: RACE DAY!!!!
After not much sleep (rugby and adrenhaline induce), I set off to the tram stop to start an incredible and very memorbale Sunday. It really did feel like autumn. A chilly morning, slightly overcast. I was heading to the circuit early ready for the Grid walk. I got there early again and waited for the gates to open. I went back to the coffee cart first and had a chat to the lovely Italian who thought I was working on the grid. Flattered but told him I had been watching it the last 3 days and was again today.
I'd found it all the way through the race weekend, people here are so friendly and like to chat. the time waiting for the gates to open passed pretty quickly as I got talking to a guy from the UK who'd moved out here years ago. It was quite nice to talk about home as well as Australia and have a decent conversation about cars. We headed off to the Grid walk. I'd worked out where Jenson would be starting after the various penalties for other people and headed to Grid Position number 10 for a photo. It's probably the closest I will ever get to being a grid girl. I was already buzzing and couldnt wait for the race. With an hour or so to waste before anything started on track a cuppa was purchased and we wandered around the crcuit to the various exhibitions and 'things to do'. Race simulator game spotted. Competitive face on I gave it my best. I was getting the hang of it, although towards the back of the pack. I ended up with a DNF as I launched myself over a boards, flipped and landed on my head. I guess if you're going to crash you may as well do it well!
After making a new friend and bumping into another friend's crush (picture with the girl was take and sent immediately. tehe) I set off to the opposite side of the track and took station at the very top of the Clarke stnd on corners 9 & 10. Again, not moving apart from to warm up and get hot beverages, I settled in for the day. 5pm rolled around and I was already on the edge of my seat. The weather held off and the race was awesome. Both Hamilton and Vettel retired (Hamilton's stop made me giggle and everyone in my seemed to cheer when Vettel pulled into the garage). A quick decision by Jenson and his team saw him gain 3 places and he was up to 6th. He was driving well and I was positive. Even more on the edge of my seat as he worked his way up the field to 4th. Fist punching and talking to myself started.... luckily the gent I was sitting next to didnt find this weird at all. As the race drew to a close, he got closer and closer to finishing on the podium, but an awesome drive from Dan and Kevin the McLaren rookie saw JB finish 4th...... at that point atleast.
I set off to head back to the YHA but followed the crowd onto the track to watch the podium on the big screen. I made the decision then to walk round to the main straight on the track. I got some fab pics and my legs decided that it would be awesome to be able to say that I had walked the entire circuit on track on race day. and hour later I am trying to find my way out of the park to head back to the YHA. Walk completed, a little lost in the golf course, I eventually found the way to the tram and hopped back to the hostel, packed my bag, ate some food and shot back out to the pub to catch up with a friend I met in Brissie. I was buzzing. Not much sleep was had and I woke up after then sun for once.
Day 7:
After making sure I'd packed everything, having breakfast and checking out I headed to drop my bags into a locker at the bus station before heading onto do a free walking tour of Melbourne. This has made me want to go back an explore the city a bit more. To find the bohemian, arty side rather than the sporty side of Melbourne.
It took me a good 2 days to come down from the rush of the F1. It was the most amazing experience. I want to do Silverstone next.....
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