I have had the most fantastic time in Bulli.
It was so good to catch up and see a side of the family I hardly see, some of which I have never met.
I spent my week being shown round the beauty spots of Bulli, Wooloongong and surrounding areas by Gwyneth and Graham. I got to see a Stringray in the wild. They're massive!!! We also went to the Nan Tien Temple. A peaceful and thought provoking place. I felt very relaxed and chilled out. It gave me time to reflect on the last 6 months or so.
Being part of such a loving caring family sometimes makes me forget how quickly people and a sense of belonging can be taken away from you. Your family is an entity that consists of many different facets. For some it is their immediate family, for others it include their extended family and can hen include close friends. It is a group of people you can b yourself around, who you can talk to about everything and include in any aspect of your life.
This last week has seen new faces-spending the day with one of Gwyneth and Graham's Grandaughters who is a year older than me and was born her here but it was like talking to someone I had met before. I then went for a BBQ at her family home, my mum's cousin Kevin's place and met his son Sean for the first time.
Gwyneth and Graham were also a me to fill me in on some family history which I will be taking home and it can hopefully be expands even further.
We did a lot of talking, mainly about family, reminiscing on happy times. Talking can be a great healer and I hope I have helped Aunt Gwyneth and Uncle Graham a little .
I was sad to go but I am going to strive to keep the link to this side of the family open and growing strong.
I also, finally, managed to do the tour of the ANZ Stadium. This was exciting enough, but I ended have a private tour, being the only person to have bought a ticket that morning. It was much the same as any other stadium tour, but the facilities were very impressive. The fact that it has just been 10yrs since England won the 2003 RWC there, with that drop goal ( I got to see part of the piece of turf from where the kick as taken. Yes I did take a picture. I am that sad) just added to the trip. So glad I went. I got to have a but of a stroll round the Sydney Olympic Park as well while I as there. :)
Off to Sydney over night before Alice Springs!!
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