And we are back on to the north island again and travelling back up to Auckland. We stopped in Wellington but only to eat and sleep before moving up to Napier.
On the way to Napier we stopped of at a Kiwi sanctury bless they look a bit like a chicken with a long beak, from there it was the biggest bargin of all. We went to the Tui beer factory to sample some of there finest. It only cost $2 and for that we got 3 pints and they also gave us a glass, if only all bars are so cheep!!! As it was thanks giving in the States and the fact that Cyeana is from there, went went out again (this is a valid reason though aint it????). The next day was a little fuzzy and we had several stops one of which was the Wai o tapu geo thermal area which because of the smell is not good when your feeling rough!!! Arrived back in Routarua at lunch and just in time for the little Christmas parade and I got to see Santa for the first time this year whhooohoo. Eventually we arrived at Mount mongan..somethingorother (sorry cant remember how to spell it) and they had free pizza for us, bonus! The next day we headed back to Auckalnd and and arrived in time to see the Christmas fair, this one was a little bit more spectactular and it was really odd having everyone wishing each other a happy Christmas and it been red hot, something i'm sure I will not get used to!
The next day we headed to the bay of islands and as soon as we arrived we jumped on a speed boat to get a better look. It's beautiful here and it's also hot unfortunatly we only have time for the one night here so didn't get to do any more exploring. That night we went out for a meal with it been our last night with Cyeana until Christmas, it was soooo good eating real food as appose to noodles and pasta. We met up with some of the other magic bus folk and had a few drinks before our last bus the next day.
And thats it we headed back to Aukland doing the usual site seeing stops, this time it was a giant tree (Tane Mahuta 13.8m wide) and a centre that showed us a video about a dolphin that lived there 40 years ago!!! Once back into Auckland we did the usual things visited a bar and slept! Then it was our last day so we finished it the same way we started our time in New zealand, by going to the hostel club, I bet your all sooo shocked by that!!!
L x x
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