Arrived in New Zealand after a short stop in Oz to change planes. After missing out on alot of sleep with the very long journey we took it easy and went to bed, in real beds with real pillows.
It's halloween and we started the day by booking the magic bus (it's a hop on hop off bus) as we were due to be up early the next day we planned an early night, that way we would be fresh as daisy's for the first day of our bus trip. But.... it was halloween and the hostel had a night club, and the club had a party (all drinks $4 each) it would have been rude not to have gone! we met a girl in our dorm and all decided to go to the party dressed as 3 black widow spiders (bascially dressed in black and I drew spiders and cobwebs on us) we then got a little tiddly ooops, but it was a great night. The ones you dont plan always are aint they?!.
We only just made it the next day for the bus, we slid to the back of the bus to try and sleep off our bad heads, but to no avail so when we reach Watimo we booked a room and went to sleep. After fully recoving the next day we went to the caves and saw the glow worms. I imagined cute green round squishy things but they actually look a bit like a stick the size of a match stick a bit ugly really, sorry glow worms! but in the dark they make the celing of the cave look like millions of stars shinning.
The journey then continue to our next stop Rotura, that night went to a cultural village and saw the haka and other mouri customs. Then we got fed... o my word it was fantastic to get fed real food again and we piled our plates high. For pudding we had custurd which was marvellous, i'm easily pleased aint I.
Then came the first of our extreme activity's and to break us in gently we went zorbing. Zorbing is getting inside an 11ft inflatable ball with water inside it and getting pushed down a big hill. It was hillarious and made it even funnier that me and Sam got inside the sam ball. I'm suprised you didn't hear us at home, we were laughing and screaming that loud. Once you've finished hurteling down the hill you come to a halt and they take piccy's of you looking slightly dazed. Aint that nice of them, i dont think.
Still dizzy we moved on again and we visited the Lady knox geyser, they told us what time it would erupt and me been a little dumb wondered how they knew what time it would go off every day. I found out once we got there... they set it off by throwing soap powder in to it, setting off a chemical reaction! After we saw the geothermal area which stinks well, really really bad, imagine really bad eggs and multiply it by 10 and your still not close. The adrenalin effects had now died off from the day before so we jumped in to a jet boat and had a very fast ride up to the Huka falls waterfall with a few cliffe near misses and 360 turns on the way. With the adrenalin pumping again we found an irish bar (there's alway one where eva ya go) and settled down for a few.
Off again and through the lord of the rings country (i wouldn't know I think i'm the only person in NZ that hasn't seen it) it's very pretty though and very remote. We arrived in Wellington that night and because it was bonfire night went down to the harbour to catch the show, which was amazing (better than miggy park, Dad).
With enough excitment for the north we decided to cross to the south
L xx
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