yo smell how are you and liz, hope you have started 2 enjoy your new adventure
hope all is well and you keep in touch
stay safe and have fun speak 2 you soon love you loads x x x x
here is a kiss for liz lol x x x
Mum &dad
Hi Girls
We cant believe that you have at long last started your fab adventure, hope you soon get used to us not running around after you liz, enjoy yourselves and keep in touch, luv you lots. xxxxxxxx
Nic And Stu
Hope you had good journey and all that and are having a brill start to the whole adventure! xxxxxxxxxx
Can't beleive it was only a week ago we were in the Bay Horse eating a second meal! I hope you have had a good flight, the i-pod worked all the way and you arrived safely. Enjoy, be safe and make the most of this once in a life time experience. much love. me x
Us Three
Hey Girls,
Sam says 'are you there yet??!' We don't need to remind you to have a totally fab time; remember that night star!
Love lots, Saf , Sam & Jessie xxx
Well the adventure begins.....enjoy every moment of it. Love Debs, Dave & Khelsea x x x
Auntie Chris (Flid)
Hi Girls,
Hope you had a good flight from the UK. Just wanting to say hello and looking forward to hearing from you both soon.
Lots of Love
Lynn And Dave
Hi Liz and Cheryl not got long to go now . Excited?. Have a wonderful time . Miss you at work already Liz . Look after Liz Cheryl she is one amazing translator you may need one where you are going .Ask her about her french. Hope her other languages are better.Well see you both in Aussie in Febuary.Make sure Liz does her share of the work Cheryl. No sciving Liz.Most of all keep safe and have fun. Luv Lynn and Davexx
Dobber Clobber
Hey Sneer
Not long now, we've already said our goodbyes in person, but still gona miss u loads. Thought I'd get on T'Internet and leave you a quick message. Take care out there and mke sure you av loads of fun (yeh like I need to tell you that).
Luv ya xxx
A Friend
There was a girl named Leith
Who had greasy hair and black teeth
She got up one morning
and decided to go walking
So off round the world went Leith
Sarah Bomb
I agree whole-heartedly with "A friend". Liz, I pity the fool! Ha, not really, I pity Cheryl! Actually, I pity neither of you because it will be "MEGA SMART YO"! Might see you at Heathrow yet because knowing my luck we'll have been delayed or cancelled and I'll be hating it sat there with my see-through bag!! Well, you know i'll think of you both all the time and miss you a lot, so spare a thought for me whenever you go to the website! love from me xx