Well, Saturday am was an early start, caught a coach to Waitomo only to discover that it is a town with 3 eateries, and wait for it, an equal number of bars (one in each!).
Nice enough place, for about 2 hours until you realise it really is terribly quiet. Luckily enough i had booked up my tumu tubing adventure to give me something to do, however, due to high water levels, they had to cancel it and therefore upgraded me to the abseiling, rockclimbing, getting into tiny holes 'haggis hoggling holes' adventure. Some of you may find the idea of me doing something like that amusing. I know i did! It was definately an adventure but i was very happy to get back to the Kiwi Paka Accommodation at Waitomo and head out for some dinner.
A yank got off the coach at the same time as i did, and then did the same adventure as i so we then hung out for the next couple of days. Nice guy, and i taught him Australian English (ie he talked about napkins (seviettes) granola bars (muesli bars) etc). We both ate the pub food for dinner while the locals watched Australia play somne form of sport, i of course had no idea who was playing, much to the amusement of my american friend!
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