I'm procrastinating in the library because there are only 3 people in outpatients and 2 of them are staff....b*****!!!!
I am eternally grateful that your blog allows me another avenue for avoiding work of any kind...and it's funny...you go girl!!!!
Sounds like everything is staying suitably mental for you...loving the fly story...how long would you have let it stay there before seeking medical help for your rather bizarre foreign body...I tripped and landed on a fly...HONEST!!!!
love you sausage xXx
Hi...glad to hear you're ok...was slightly concerned with the fires...poss shows my lack of understanding of geography but there we go... Cxxx
Hope you enjoy some time off over the weekend! The Clare family love the Sacred Heart picture and are now your blog followers too. I love the new pictures of Skippy - so cute!
So...all the patients left happy and treated. Just remember that if this were the NHS you would have to do a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey. It would have to be balanced by ethnicity amongst other things. Do they have that in the Northern Territories?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it's rockin'!!! You're missing snow but I'm sure you don't mind coz you're having a bloody ball!!!!
Shezz says happy birthday too :)
And just to make sure you get the message, I shall write on this wall too.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! xxx
Hi Alex! Happy birthday from snowy York (and from Sue, Joe, Fizzy and me too). I hope that you are not missing the freezing weather too much. Love, Tim
Happy Birthday lovely lady. I hope you have a great day and that you are using your present wisely. Sorry you're not here to make a fuss of but we'll save it up for your return. I can't believe it was a year ago that we celebrated in London. Enjoy the sun, it'll be a very different day next year. Loads of love, xxxx
Heya fabulous one!! Can you believe England basically came ot a halt today due to at least 7 feet of snow of coverage!!! (OK so maybe like...2 feet max but it's still pretty mental!!!)
It must be your birthday now even though it's late afternoon the day before here!?!?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear LIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXX, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to yoooooou
I trust everything is still awesome and that you're getting more sunshine than we could hope for in 3 years....? This week is full of the joys of opthalmology...I can seeeeeee yooou!!! (clearly I can't...I want to tho!!!!)
Stay brilliant
loooooove you xXx
Sue And Fizzy
jealous of the sunshine... have just had a nice bit of snow in sunny old yorkshire... lots of love xxxxx
I love the new photos... especially the Sacred Heart one; will have to show Jonathan! Yes, the A&E looks a tad different to Southampton's Emergency Department, although the resident oxygen cylinder and bits of technology scattered around all look familiar, except not quite in the same quantities as here! Wish I was there too, am enjoying keeping up with your adventures via the blog entries, miss you loads but hope you continue to have a great time. xxx
What a coincidence - it is 31 degrees here too - but Fahrenheit not centigrade....