Hello! Just thought I'd send you a message on here too.Do you know that whenever you post a message you have to solve a sum. I am always worried that I'll get it wrong and be really embarrassed, even though no-one will know! Luckily, the sums are not hard and probably all Mum's Y2s could do them. Phew. xxx
Seem to be no msgs for a couple of days so just thought I would say hello. Hello. xx
It looks like you're having an amazing time Alex, i've been keeping up with your blog as a welcome release from the lovely midlands! Keep posting or i'll have to go and do some work...
IT'S SUNNY TODAY!!!! Friday night and Tilly's down to do a late shift...great, bring on shirley's version of drunken men on pay day...hopefully not as scary as your experience because my only defence is a jumped up and not too clever security guard...
cigarette free for 43 hours and counting...!!!
Hi Alex!
Have a wonderful time at "The Rock"! You'll love it - it is really magical. Hope you're well and your tan is coming along nicely! I can't wait to get back and lay by the pool! xx
(see below) Ah yes, I should have thought of those slight technical hitches to the masterplan...!
Missing you too... there's not a lot going on for you to miss here... today I have been swimming and to the supermarket! It's not freezing cold (hurray!) but the sky is murky (I like that word!) I am sorting out choir stuff and booking the summer concert in Arts H. xxx
You have cattle grids all around the New Forest but it doesn't keep drunks either in, nor out of that bit of Hampshire. If you put them around SGH one of various things will happen: (a) someone will steal the grid and sell it for scrap; (b) drunks will fall in and increase the workload for SGH; (c) the council will dig the hole but run out of budget before the grid is in place.
You WERE dealing with the drunk and disorderly!!! Maybe we should try putting cattle grids around the entrance to SGH to fend off some of the people... xxx
Good morning! It amuses me that I am getting up at around the same time as you at the moment. Except I bet you are not dealing with the many drunk and disorderly... xxx
Auntie Sue
Hi Ali!
I've got nothing especial to say, except we really enjoy your missives! - and I am procrastinating 'cos have lots to do and am not doing it! - also delaying tactic until I return to the fridge to eat Thorntons chocolates (Valentines pressie from Uncle Tim)
Think of you lots! Love Auntie Sue xxxxxx
Seriously, sounds like a soap!! I have a few days off work so I'm doing what Tilly's do best...NOTHING! BUT today at 11am the men are coming round to MOVE MY PIANO!!! My piano that currently doesn't want to play because it's so damp and unhappy, but we'll gloss over that. Ikea opened yesterday but we're refraining on going until payday,lol. Hope Friday 13th is not too unlucky for you :) xxx