Today marks a month in Nepal and though the days are definitly long the month in general has more than flown by!
Am really enjoying spending my days with the girls- i think i've finally mastered about 90% of the girls names...when they change or swap clothes im confused again...but i'm getting there! Really neat to be able to learn all their personalities.. Had a bit of a drama the last two weeks with chicken pox spreading throughout the house- all bar 4 managed to get it so there was a room constantly filled with pink chamomile caked spotty bodies for a few weeks.. poor things got rather bored but they're more than happy to be out now! Big event for them was also finally getting school uniforms which i will admit they all look rather cute in and they're very proud!
Managed to sort out buying a set of text books with another volunteer for every level that the children are at which they all appreciated. Also bought them all a hanky- which i was MORE than willing to fork out for since they all seem to have chronic runny noses...very much appreciated!
Was very priviliged last week to go with Jackie, the country director of Umbrella, to Gorje, which is a tiny village in the Nuwakot district north of Kathmandu. It was only 22km away but the jeep ride took and impressive 3 hours.... The scenery was stunning though! Gorje is the village where Umbrella hopes to relocate all of the children in the future (aiming for 2-5years). They're hoping to build a school and homes for all the children on the top of a ridge overlooking the valley with the himalayas as a backdrop...beautiful! At the moment Umbrella's aim is to improve the quality of the existing schools and life of the villagers so not to create jealousy when the Umbrella kids come to their school- makes sense really and super interesting to hear all about what's already happening in the village- Umbrella's organised projects such as feeding the children at the current village school which increased attendance to almost 100%.
Ended up hiking (literally!) up a steep ridge to get to the flat land on the top of the western ridge (would make so much more sense if i could put up photos!) where umbrella's homes and one school will be built. I think i had about 7 heart attacks on the way up but was worth it when i got to the top. There already is a "school" at the top which umbrella's working on to improve and we got to meet all the kids which was awesome! Made me realise though how our kids here at Umbrella in Kathmandu are living like kings and queens compared to them- these kids walk hours to school every day and there's one teacher between 3 classrooms. Its improving though which is the main thing and i hope i can come back in a few years to see it all completed!
Last week or so has been a bit tense in terms of political situation but its (hopefully) all settling down now. Strike last week because (as far as i understand) the Maoists killed a shopkeeper) so kids were off school. As of yesterday Nepal is officially a Republic-- i'm no expert on Nepali politics, although i intend to learn more, but basically they shoved the king off his throne and he's got 15days to leave the palace.. One bomb went off one Tuesday and two on Wednesday with two seriously injured but no casulties so not too bad... We'll see what happens but the last 3 days kids have been off school (AGAIN!) because of strikes/holidays -the term seems to merge together here.... trekking from Pokhara next wednesday with 3 other volunteer's which im looking forward to but quite scared as well- my fitness level isn't at its peak so have been climbing Swomyambunath Hill every morning- can someone explain why it isn't getting easier?!?!?!?!
Going into Thamel tonight for dinner- proper food! (well almost!) and can't wait. Also going to see about doing an everest flight sometime which should be neat.
hope all is well with everyone!
Much love & Aroha
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