I did it, i did it, i did it!! Annapurna Circuit, Nepal can now be ticked and checked off the list!
But just to rewind a tad... Since last update i've finally been out of Kathmandu again and explored a little. Headed off to Nagrakot, a teeny village about 2hours away with 4 friends with the hope of seing the himalayas at sunrise. Ended up bargaining a 4seater little red van to fit 7 of us in-was an interesting ride since i was blessed with the one next to the driver with the gearstick between my legs-always a score! hehe. Was a beautiful town though-monsoon clouds didn't give us the best views at 4.30am but definitly weren't bad-pictures definitly couldn't caputure the moment. Thought we'd be energetic and walk back to Baktipur which is this medieval town (well more medieval than the rest of Nepal) and seemed like we stepped back 500 years...tiny allyways, everything in brick with doors fit for elves only... Our navigation skills weren't that awesome though as we attempted to take the shortcut through villages from Nagrakot but gave up after 3 hours and hopped on the next passing bus...turns out we were totally off!!!!! At least i was able to be greeted with a banana lassi when we got there in the end!
Returned to Kathmandu for a week or so before heading off to Pokhara with Brianna, Lisa and Lorena (other volunteers at Umbrella) so could start trekking adventure! Of course being in Nepal though meant that it didn't go perfectly smoothly..ended up getting stuck in this random village, Dumre, as bus' had blocked the road on either side so people could do a demonstration-didn't ever find out the full information but as far as i know the YCL put a villager in hospital earlier that morning so everyone came out to tell their opinion...after 5 hours of waiting in a cafe the bus's began to move..but didn't wait for us so we ran after the bus while one group of people were chanting and moving with us with batons etc in our direction while the other (with police shields and bandana covered men) were coming straight at us- don't think i've ever run a fast in my life but somehow-thanks to the magic of adrenillon-we caught up with bus hopped on, and never looked back...
Pokhara shopping ended up being a big rush as we didn't get in until late at night but managed to gt permit and head of to Bahisahar the following day-kept short diary of treck..
Day 1-Besisahar-Bhulebhule-Ghermu.
Met up with Canadaian guy, Mat, at Bhulebhule. Walked 13km to Germu- track relatively easy- just followed river...beautiful as always. 30minutes out from Ghermu i twisted my ankle...but kept going.. smart girl as i am wasn't watching and twisted it again 5minutes later going down stone stairs..ankle now size of an apple but hoping tommorow it'l be down and fine for trekking!
Day 2-Ghermu-Tal 12km 1700m
Bloody hard-i hate mountains and rain...lonely planet was right when they say nepalese made the paths in a direct route from point A-B instead of a bit longer and not so much mountain climbing! Blimmin hard-don't know how i'm going to do pass. Was convinced i'd have to get porter and go back cause couldn't walk on ankle in morning-luckily the doctor-well he said he was a doctor, gave me magic cream and potent anti inflammatory- didn't feel a thing- awesome!
Day 3-Tal-Thamchowk 16km 2570m
Thank god it wasn't as hard as yesterday-took upper path without realizing to Thamchowk but totally worth it-stayed with beautiful family and village is very cute! Ankle now a radient purple but am going to send a thankyou letter to the indian makers of the little red and yellow pills-they work wonders!
Day 4-Thamchowk-Lower Pisang 24km 32580m
Yay-a flat day!! Well.. 'Nepali' Flat but its good enough for me! Resisted and bought a snikers for some ridiculous price but worth it- the scenery is stunning- Heavens door on one side..the himalaya's on the other- what a view! Met up with two guys who made awesome company...but starting to get cold-hello thermals!
Day 5 Lower Pisang-Manag 15km 3540m
Yuuus! Flat again! But can now feel alititude.. Best garlic soup in Muje (apparently it prvents altitude sickness!).. I may have bought pringles-but in my defense-fried rice gets boring very easily!
Day 6 Acclimatization day in Manag
Ankle still not going down in size so considering getting a jeep after pass in Jomson.
Did steep climb to gain altitude up to lookout on other side of manag-glacier lake was painted blue i swear.
Decided squat toilts were invented as a joke for trekkers who have sore thighs-impossible!
Day 7 Manag-Letdar 10km 4200m
First hour of this day so steep that am considering moving to the netherlands so i never have to climb a hill again.
Day 8 Letdar-Thorung Pedi 5km 4450m
Doin't think that cause it was only 5km it was easy-gravel paths are a nightmare... Brianna got sever headache so we went down to river to try get rid of it... ended up getting better but won't go to highcamp just in case.. Guesthouse right on cliff over huge gorge-beautiful!
Day 9 Thorung Pedi-Muktinah
Holy crap i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Left early and swear i went at snail's pace for the last 2km but made the pass at 5416m! Ended up crying with relief, happiness, pain and every other emotion once i got to the top- we were totally blessed with a cloudless view of the whole himalayas-WOW!!!!
Decent of 2km was probably as hard as the ascent...but we made it and couldn't be happier! In bd at 7pm!
Day 10 Muktinah-Kagbeni 10km 2800m
All downhill from now-yus! Had dal bhaat for lunch and actually enjoyed it-wierd!
Day 11 Kagbeni-Tukuche 21km 2590m
Long long long day... was too stubborn to stop in Jomson and kept going... treated ourselves to a crossaint in Jomson-yum!
Day 12 Tukuche-Ghasa 18km 2010m
Got caught in monsoon for only second time on whole trek-and boy how it can rain...turns out my north face waterproof pants weren't genuine- for R500 im not suprised! Turns out i wouldnt have been able to get jeep from jomson-landslides have blocked raods. Looks like we're back in altitudfe of rice and marijuana growing.....
Day 13 Ghasa-Tatopani 13km 1200m
Briannah got food poisoning somwhere and was up all night poor girl... ended up walking to Tatopani though-walked throuigh bigget gorge in world at Dana!
Day 14 Tatopani-Ghoropani 17km 2870m
Was again too stubborn and determined to finish to get bus to beni from Tatopani- instead walked to Ghoropani-all steps-will apply from Dutch citizenship ASAP
Day 15 Ghoropani-Nayapul 11km 1800
We finished...but not all in one piece...the super steep desecnt down let me twist my quarter healed again and is now size of small watermelon.. super painful but finishing it mad my day- can't believe its done! Despite any negative comments i had during the days before it was totally worth it and one of the most challenging but beautiful things ive ever done- words definitly can't describe it!
Am back in Pokhara now...spent a few days playing tourist hiring a boat on lake, cycling out to small village, Pame, etc and having a wonderful time eating pasteries-feel like im on holiday!
Had a bit of an adventure this morning though- tried to get back to Kathmandu- were told that tourist bus's were allowed to pass (thery're striking again suprise suprise) but ended up being confronted with a whole lot of men beating the bus with batons and smashing the windows- kinda freaky when you're stuck inside the bus but no one was seriously hurt-all just kind of shaken but all good now- they wouldn't let the bus move so we ended up having to walk over an hour back to Pokhara and now stuck here....will try get on bus tommorow-fingers crossed all goes smoothly!
am missing kids at orphanage so looking forward to gettting back- wil try upload some photo's then a well!
Love to all
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