It has been a while and boy have i been busy! After arriving in Melbourne we had a few days to sight see here (sadly it came with 4 straight days of rain...which made it a bit more annoying outside). We saw most of the city sights, museum, casino, and art. We also did a neigbours tour for half a day. This was great fun even though i haven't properly watched it in years...I kinda want to now though! We also met an ex cast member...connor (remeber him...the irish one?). I also got very excited and decided posy artistic photos were boring and it would be far more exciting if i jumped off a bin in front of graffiti. This resulted in us spending 3 hours in hospital x-raying my heel after a safe and sturdy landing with lots of pain. Turns out there was a stone in the heel of my shoe and the impact of the jump badly bruised the inside of my heel. Not so good the day before a 3 day tour with hikes!!!
They gave me crutches but they were more hassle than they worth in the end and i barely used them after the first day. I was worried it was going to ruin our tour of the Grampians and Great Ocean Road. However i went ahead with the first hike anyway (breathe through the pain). It was ok in the end as we were rock hopping down the mountain and i hardly used my heel. The rest of the hikes were no longer than 45mins-hour so i managed to keep up and rest my foot in between (it also meant i got good dibs on the seats in the bus hehe). The views were amazing and we had a good bunch of people in my group. The highlights were a helicopter ride over the 12 apostles which was sooooo much fun. The accomodation adn food wasn't bad either and after lots of driving we were all ready for bed! Weather also wasn't too bad....bit chilly with few showers.
We then went back to Melbourne for a while and chilled...saw the bits we didn't before really. Then ti was straight on with the next tour Melbourne- Sydney. Again we were really lucky with our driver (Bogun) and our group. The weather was also with us and we had 3 days of sun!! at last! I was designated bus b**** as i got the front views on the bus and great for music choices. The acommodationa nd food was better again here...we had a hotel with jacuzzi for one night...which was well needed after a few hours walking up the tallest mountain in Australia! It is actually in a skiing village called Thredbo which was deserted this time of year. we saw some beautiful beaches and scary animals....the red back spider which is the most dangerous here was outside on a walk...i later found one in the toilet eurggggghhhh!!
We also stopped off in the capital Canberra which is...boring!!! Apart from the museum and parliment buildings which we saw there is nothing to do so good jon it was a few hours and not a whole day. hehe. Then it was a long drive beack to Sydney. We are staying in the central YHA which is good. It was a much more knackering tour...very ealry starts (e.g. 5.30am) and much more drinking and late nights. Met some good people though who will probably spend xmas with. Instead of a lie in when we got here though we got up and went straight to the Blue Mountains for a day and night. Here we did a walk for around 5 hours all over the cliffs, waterfalls etc and up the steepest train!! our legs were rather tired after so we had a movie night in the hostel after. Then it was straight back here to Sydney where we will stay for xmas.
I have to say i don't fell in the slightest bit xmassy yet even though it is xmas eve! We have bought santa hats to try and help and i think it will be dinner on the beach tomorrow hehe. But i wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year. I cannot believe i am halfway through our oz trip already! So much done and loads more to do. yipee!
love to you all and xmas hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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