took a trip to greymouth on teh train. as the monday is a public holiday we both have two days spare so on the sunday morning, bright and early, we were picked up by a shuttle bus and taken to christchurch station. considering christchurch is a major city the station was a mite on the small side. i think it had one platform. trains are not big here. anyway we got on the train and found our seats and settled down for the ride through the mountains. i'm not sure there was any kiwis on the train at all. except for the driver of corse. we raced through the plains (passing the wearhouse i worked at for a bit) then sudenly we were in the foothills. the ground doesn't genly slope upwards, the flat just stops and the hills begin. once in the hills we went to the observaion cariage armed with cameras and a hot chocolate apiece. it was an open cariange with no indows just metal barsd and a roof. cold. was spektacular. have taken many fotos, amd i think emma has put hers up online. stopped at authers pass and got out and streched our legs, then we went back to our seats to eat out muffins and attempt to regain the fealing in out fingers. that afternoon we arrived in greymouth. we seem plagued by bikes as during our stay greymouth was also playing host to a motor bike street racing thing which was very noisy and fast and ment that most of the town was cordoned off. we stayed in noahs ark backpacker where surprisingly there were a lot of young ish familys staying. (because of teh long weekend) all the rooms had an animal theme and ours was the pig room. (pink with a large pig painted on the wall) we went to the beach and skimmed stones and for tea had a 5 dollar all you can eat bbq at a local pub. very very good. watched charlie and the chocolate factory this evening.
next day (23rd): we went up for a walk in the hills behind us and made up limerics for some of the other resisdents of kiwi house. can't remember them at the moment but i have the suspicion that they were works of genius. if i ever remeber i shall delight you with their form and wonderful rhyming patterns. anyway. was beautiful sunney day walking in beautiful native bush/rainforest/many plants with ocasionaly huge sweeping views of the land around. this afternon we got a coach back to christchurch, stopping at authers pass for an icecream (most places seem to sell cones here, its great!) got back to kiwi house this evening. was nice to be home again.
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