After Hanmer we headed down the west coast to Franz Joseff to see the glaciers which are now retreating unfortunately, nonetheless they were still pretty impressive. Our bad weather curse once again struck as we waited around for 2 days for the weather to clear so that we could go on a heli-hike (fly over the glaciers in a helicopter, then hike on the glaciers) but all trips kept getting canceled. We did take a walk down to the head of the two galciers, Franz Josef and Fox Glacier, for a few photos. Running out of time we had to move on and headed to Wanaka, which we were told is like Queenstown's little brother. The trip here wasn't a complete waste as we got to do a little ice-climbing which was much harder than it looked. We both got to the top of the first climb ok, but when it came to tackling the overhangs, Lisa couldn't quite make it and Ben did so only just after a bit of a rest halfway up the climb. Boy do your hands and arms hurt, we couldn't even grip the ice-axes our hands were so numb by the end!
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