We took a ferry from Colonia del Sacremento (via a bus from Montevideo) to Buenos Aires and checked in to our hostel which was more like a hotel right in the centre of the city on Avenida Florida.
On our first day in Buenos Aires we went to a place called Recoletta which is an affluent area of the city and has nice hippy market and is the home of the famous Recoletta Cementario. This is a cemetery built for the more prestigious people in the city, and is resting place for Evita. Inside the cemetery its like walking through a city of mini houses which are tombs for the more wealthy residents of the city. Families are buried together in the tombs and have glass doors where you can see the coffin and sometimes they have pictures on the wall of the deceased. It was interesting to see such a strange cemetery but the main attraction was Evita's grave which was difficult to see due to the vast amount of people crowding around and taking pictures. After elbowing a few annoying tourists we managed to get near and get a few piccies ourselves.
England were playing Germany this afternoon so we were on a mission to find a bar/pub/anything that would be playing the England game and Ben was sure he would find it even though Argentina v Scotland was on at the same time. After a couple of hours of searching Ben succumbed to the fact that most bars in the capital of Argentina were playing the Argentina game and had to settle for watching it on the internet in the hostel But then the internet in the hostel, which had been working fine, wasn't working anymore...Lisa runs to hide whilst Ben has a paddy!!! If it was England, they would have pretty much every game on split screens, grrrhhh!
On the evening we had booked ourselves on a Tango Show, it included an hours Tango lesson, food and entrance to a Milonga, which is a local Tango nightclub, where we were to practice our new Tango skills. Ben was not keen on the idea of a Tango lesson (especially after the football saga) but signed up knowing how much Lisa wanted to have a go. It was a brilliant evening and the tango lesson was hilarious, there was about 20 people in the lesson and we all had to rotate partners. Lisa had her feet crushed by some drunken Welshman who didn't have a clue what he was doing and Ben surprised Lisa and himself by taking to Tango better than expected (no more shirt swinging for Ben.....well for now). At the Milonga we were encouraged to join in and give our new skills a test on the dance-floor, but the locals were very professional and none of us wanted to give it a go in case we started bumping in to people and standing on each others feet. Tango is a really important part of Argentinian history (although we read it originated in Uruguay and even the French have attempted to claim it's theirs) and this was a fantastic way to learn more about this famous dance and have the opportunity to take part.
Thursday we did some sightseeing which included the famous balcony where Evita sang from and the congress building mirrored on Washington. On the evening we went to some bars got talking to some American guy, drank lots on his tab and rolled in pretty late.
Friday we decided to visit Boca which is a famous area in BA for it's football team but also for the colourful area called Caminito. We planned on staying around half an hour but ended up staying most of the day as the place was buzzing and there was a great atmosphere. We took loads of photo's of the colourful buildings and watched some Tango in the street! We also bought a beautiful painting which Lisa fell in love with. Later in the day we quickly rushed to BA's huge polo ground to purchase tickets for the followings days matches. Afterwards we stumbled upon a massive casino with a built-in raceground....random! We ended up making one bet on a horse, number 10 which Lisa decided to name Black Beauty and we won. Lisa was ecstatic as she hadn't ever won on a horse before. So then we intelligently took our winnings and entered the casino thinking we were on a roll! For once, we actually were and we ended up coming out with a decent bit of cash, which paid for the polo tickets! We then went home to celebrate with a few drinks.
Saturday daytime consisted of Polo. We went to see two games, one of which had La Dolfina playing who are one of the best teams in the world and they have the best player in the world playing for them, Adolfo Cambiasso. Ben asked Lisa the question, "you reckon the Polo players get groupies like David Beckham etc?" It didn't take us long to find that out, the players were constantly surrounded with swarms of people which included countless stunning girls! We found polo great fun to watch and with the 35° heat, it made for a lovely afternoon in the sun! There were a high number of particularly well-off people here and it felt very much like a who's who of Buenos Aires. Randomly Ben saw a familiar face (Michael Dye's cousin) in the bar, which was really surreal being on the other side of the world!
On the Saturday night we thought we would have a night out so drank a fair few in the hostel bar which included a Vodka and Lemonade (but in Argentina Lemonade means Lemon Juice...pure.....meaning urgh!) which as you can imagine we didn't have a second of this particular tipple! Then we headed off to a club at around 1am with a group from the hostel. The club was huge and had two massive rooms with differing music (one dance and one 70/80/90's) and a huge outdoor area. This place was great and it felt like you were in a big club in a cosmopolitan European city! We got severely drunk and headed home at daybreak via McDonald for a brekky (proof of our drunken state) around 6.30am.
With a stinking hangover on Sunday morning we repacked and headed over to get our 20 hour bus ride to Santiago, Chile.
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