On our way to Buenos Aires in Argentina we made a short stopover in Montevideo for a day and a half. The city is very pretty and has many nice plazas as well as the harbour, we spent our first afternoon wandering around the city and having a few drinks. On the evening we thought we would go for a nice meal and a few drinks since we had been eating in recently. Arriving at the recommended restaurant "Don Pepperone" we got quite excited when we found a meal on the menu which sounded very similar to the north eastern delicacy "parmo", you can imagine our reaction we didn't need to read any further..."senora, dos parmo's por favor"! We were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our parmo's expecting a short wait and were very surprised when the waitress arrived 5 minutes after ordering.... with our meals. We were absolutely gutted when we reailsed our food wasn't anything like parmo but was in fact breaded cheese, and lots of it. After munching our way through a plate full of deep fried breaded cheese we felt physically sick and didn't want to see or eat any cheese for a while!
The next day, after recovering from our cheese ordeal we headed to a famous market called 'Mercado del Puerto' which sells food from huge BBQ's. The market is very popular with the locals and tourists come along to be wowed by the size of the BBQ's. Lisa got excited by the size of the BBQ's, noticing the excitement the chef invited us in to the kitchen area to have our photo taken in front of the giant BBQ. Lisa ran in to the kitchen with Ben following trying his best to hide due to all the locals staring at the crazy tourists!! After having a photo taken with giant slabs of meat in front of the giant sized BBQ we ordered a giant sized BBQ platter for two. The bowl of meat we got was enormous and overflowing with chicken, sausage, steak, ribs, black pudding and pork. We waded our way through the meat Lisa encouraging Ben through his meat sweat phase and we did a pretty good job too as there was only half a piece of Morcillo left!Montevideo was a lovely city and we wanted to stay longer but sadly our time in South America was running out and we needed to get to Buenos Aires. Overall our memories of Montevideo are very much food related and we left there not wanting to see cheese or BBQ for a while!
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