Antigua 2 - We Return To The Scene Of Our Crime
Having vowed never to return to Raksheeta´s again following the bed disaster, we arrived on her doorstep and rang the bell, prepared to run away if her face showed signs of anger at seeing us. Luckily, we were greeted with a big smile so we knew either our secret was safe, or all was forgiven. Unfortunately Raksheeta had no twin rooms left, so we had to share a double bed with a single size mattress on it. Luckily the next day Raksheeta said she had a twin room available. Praying that it was not the one we had stayed in before did not help us, as Raksheeta led us back once more towards the crime scene. Charlie did the honorable thing and took the crippled bed. The first night was OK, but on the second night Charlie realised that the bed was sloping dangerously and that during the course of the night the bed had once again collapsed. Cue more repairs (see pictures).
New Year
We had to return to Antigua for New Year due to the expense of Monterrico. We had a small nap before Raksheeta´s and ended up departing at 11:30pm. We decided to head towards Parque Central but physically couldn´t get there as there was a blockage of people with very small streams of moving people but they kept getting dammed. We fought our way past two blocks and eventually reached the Park. We stood waiting in the throngs of kulaks and tourists alike. We watched as kids set off fireworks and heavily laden granjas moved dangerously close between them. We ran quickly to a new position avoiding any impromptu firework displays and waited patiently for the countdown of Tres, Dos, Uno…. But it never came. Different groups of people celebrated at different times but eventually a firework word display was ignited to read ´Welcome to 2007`. Charlie got hit by a firework (but survived the attack) and Lisa got drenched in cheap champagne. Once New Year had begun we went to visit the Apartment Lady across the square. Again we had to run and dodge fireworks in the middle of the path. We went to sleep amid sounds of war...Again!
Next time................... Monterrico
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