SATs went ok. Just got to await the results now! I hear you are home soon? On my bday to be exact?! Come and visit us ASAP! xx
Hello all
We are cold so are about to dig a hole above an underground thermal reservoir aka Hot Water Beach. Need to hire a spade first. Looking forward to Rarotonga. Miss work (yeah right- hehe!) How did SATS go? Thinking of you all. xx
Hey there! been looking at the photos and fun! hoep you're both ok, its lovely and sunny here in the UK, just doing a spot of sunbathing in th garden! have to try and work on my tan before you get back! xoxox
Miss B
Only 4 school days left until SATs! I'm very tired and can't wait to get them over and done with. Not heard much from you lately so glad to hear you are having fun. Can't wait to hear about NZ. xx
Hey there! hope you are ok now you are both reunited!!! Are you still in Cairns? where are you off to next?
Miss you xoxox
Miss B
Hiya Lins,
Missing you lots. Is it weird without Ian or are you glad to get rid of him?! ( only joking!)
School is same old, same old. It's half term week at the moment. Only 6 more weeks til Easter! Let us know what you've been up to xx
Hey there! well have just seen Ian so know that you are ok, hope all is well in Cairns Lins and the waitressing is going well?! Everything fine here, just about to go out running!
Ian -let us know if you want to pop round?
Lins - hope youre not too lonely and guess who is starting back at school on monday......Andre! not Henri though!!!!
Hello everyone, sorry we havn't updated the blog for a while. We are having quite a few problems getting the website to work in internet cafes, but rest assured we are trying our best. Stand-by for Ayers Rock et al
Big Brother
Hi Brother and Lins,
Where have you been for the past month? We have been eagerly following your progress (and want to know about Carl Kennedy too).
Miss B
Hiya! Hope you had a good christmas. HK was fantastic. Will post pics on Facebook eventually. I met a lady who has just come back from OZ and was at the same fly infested place as you round the same time..she said it made tourists chat to each other lots more! small world eh?! xx
Lyn Rice
Hi Guys. School's finished now,yes. Decs are up and the turkey's defrosting in the kitchen. I suppose your xmas dinner will be on the beach! Lucky people. Merry Christmas and have a fantastic New Year. Love Lyn x
Lins And Ian
Hello all, Thankyou for the messages to date. Whilst we aren't lonely, it touches our hearts to hear from you (can you hear the smallest violin in the world playing). Glad to hear that the cats is learning new tricks, and the school is surviving - look out for the pics of us meeting Dr Kennedy from Neighbours.