we r looking at your photos. Can u find us a good quote about sythetic phonics v analytical lol.
Hope ur having a good time, we will have a toast to you when we drink our vodka.
Oreo sleeps in my bed and wardrobe and sooty has taught him to open the hatch in the kitchen
x x x x x
Lyn Rice
Hi, I've just looked at the photos and I'm so jealous. When you two are soaking up those rays, just think of us shivering in the frosts. Borneo looks fantastic, please bring me back an orang! Take care. Love Lyn x
Hey there! im back.....ofsted been and gone so now have time for a life again! man last week was hard....we were all so tired but it went well and now we are enjoying 2 weeks of xmas fun! thailand sounds lush i could do with a break like that after last week! roll on the xmas hols! miss you guys xoxox
Hey- sounds like you are having too much of a luxury time for backpacking- am suspicious you have actually gone away on a 5star break! Your tv is missing you (and so do we)! Hope you haven't killed each other yet!
Miss B
The call came! Thursday half ten. Ofsted in Tuesday and Wednesday next week....wooo! Only concern on pre inspection report is why we are satisfactory not Good! go on the southcote!
Miss B
I think it's so sweet that you visited a school. Bet they don't worry about Ofsted!
How exciting that you're now on your own! I loved the pictures of the tombraider temple! x
Yay! its friday! Hi Amy! just checked out all the photos, you look like you are having so much fun! and love the especially made lins dress! missing you lots xoxox
Miss B
Loving the rain ponchos! I've noticed only Rhon and I write on here..hi Rhon! You look happy in your pictures, or are you just drunk?! David says Hi! Missing you in the staffroom xx
Hello! your trip sound so exciting and its great this blog page, loving seeing all the photos and gossip! shame about the floods but glad you are both safe! its raining here loads at the mo! anyway off to the gym, got to keep up my running! xoxox
Miss B
Sooooo pleased you like HK. The weather looks lovely. Great that you saw Big Buddha and did a spot of shopping. You've made me really excited about my trip at christmas xx
Hey guys! just checked out photos! HK looks fab especially loving the disney pics! and it looks so hot....compared to rubbish weather here! miss you guys xoxox
Miss B
Hi guys! Hope your flight to HK was ok. How is it out there? David says 'say hello' to the place from him xxx