18 hrs of flying, 1 hr by train, 4 films, 9 games of battleships and mucho money later, I was back in Cairns. I departed England in freezing temperatures and landed to find 31C. Nice. I am now an unemployed bum. Lins goes off to work and I go shopping. I like this life. We have moved into a new sharehouse appartment as Lins' old room wasn't big enough for both of us. We now live in a building with upto 72 others....and 1 BBQ.
To celebrate my return, we took a road trip up to Cape Tribulation. Lins managed to get a hire car for 5 days but only pay for 3 (nice one). Cape Trib is where the 'rainforest meets the reef'. It was certainly wet as 95 % of the time it rained. The roads are tiny and at one point we had to turn around and get a coffee whilst a flooded river receeded and revealed the road again! This is normal !!!!
We also went jungle surfing, attaching ourselves to ropes strung between trees and sliding throught the trees. Unfortunately the weather was so torrential we didn't dare the camera. Historically, the area has around 436 cm of rain each March. This month so far it has had 609mm!
Ian is now looking for work. Apparantly there isn't much work for helicopter underslung load people or those who are just here for 5 weeks. And as it is so wet, the construction industry has 'dried up'.... if there was ever a bad choice of words. Still...have credit cards - will spend!
As for the photo, Lindsay wasn't happy with my interrogation training and though she'd give me some more practice whilst she brought my birthday presents in.
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