1. You have forgotten about those little things called socks or shoes or stress or parents (tjek til det hele fra Katrines side - Line husker stadig mutti)
2. Jumping out of planes, off bridges or from mountains is just a normal Day out (Helt sikkert - det bliver dog vildest i aussie og nz)
3. A Day without drinking is like a Day without breathing - it doesn't happen (mega løgn - vi foretrækker at leve livet sobert)
4. You see the word FREE and you don't Care what it is or how you get it, you just take as much as possible (So true - specielt når det gælder mad, frugt og kager)
5. Your biggest concern about your next destination is, if there is free wifi (no, ikke for os! Kat vil helst være foruden, og alt andet er vigtigere, så som saftybox, fan osv)
6. Opting for a 20-hours bus journey with no bathroom facilities across rickety Thailands roads is the obvious choice over paying an extra €50 for a 2-hours flight (true s*** - der skal spares hvor der kan - men vi vil også gerne spare tid på transport og få mere ud af stedet)
7. You can't imagine life before backpacking (SÅ SANDT - livet ER backpacking)
live life travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
Fremtidsplan for Kat: quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love - never return :-))))
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