So I realised that I'd forgotten to tell you about the wild sloth we saw just as we crossed the border into Panama. Someone was yelling at our van driver and then he must have seen it. It was actually on the ground (very rare seemingly as they only come down to do their business which isn't very often as the rest of the time they appear to be asleep - hard life!). It then crawled (very slowly!) up the tree which was cool to watch. I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of one though as their claws/nails/talons/ whatever they're called are huge! But it was very cute at the same time!
The other thing I just have to mention is an email I received the other day from a tour company in Venezuela. The subject of the email was 'Alone' and the content basically said that because I am a single woman, they cannot help me as they only cater for couples or groups. Ain't that a kick in the head…..?!!
Anyhooo, we arrived in Boquete late afternoon on Monday where it was considerably cooler than anywhere we'd been for a while. It's one of Panama's most popular places for outdoor stuff and also coffee but as we'd all done the adrenalin stuff elsewhere, so there wasn't much else to occupy ourselves with! I would have liked to have done a coffee tour but it seemed stupidly expensive in my view for what you got. Anyway, then the rain set in - great! Kat and I went for a wander later on to find some dinner. Hmmm, not really a happening town. There was a greasy cafe type place and 2 slightly better-looking (but only at a push!) places that sold pizza etc. Pizza it was then! The guy working there was a complete nutter and kept coming and sitting next to us and just staring while making weird noises. I suppose there's not a lot to keep you sane in this town! Apparently (and this makes perfect sense!), in 2001 Boquete was voted as one of the top 4 places in the world to retire. Well, each to their own but I wouldn't retire there!
On Tuesday, the tour I wanted to do (wildlife hike plus coffee thingy) had nobody booked on it so I couldn't go! In the huff, I agreed to go with the others on a free hike which ended up being ok, although nothing special. Kat and I then chilled out for a few hours (read into that: watched TV, surfed the net and slept!) and joined the boys for a few vinos before taking ourselves off for a fine dinner at a French restaurant Kat had spotted. The menu was fab so we settled down to some foie gras, red wine and savoury crepes - yum!! It was all downhill from there as we had agreed to meet the rest of the group just to say hello in a bar next door (in fact, the only bar in town!). They were drinking fishbowl cocktails (remember those one in Shenzhen ladies…?!) which I stupidly thought wouldn't be strong. Ha! Several fish tanks later, we were singing to the live band and playing random African instruments (the bar was called Zanzibar - very Panamanian!) until I got quite offended as the local loony (an old geezer) took a liking to me, kept talking drivel and then pad me $3. Is that all? Come on!! At that point, Kat and I decided to leave (well, it was a respectable 1.30 or thereabouts!) as we had an early-ish start in the morning. Thank goodness as we discovered the next day that the boys had stayed out til about 5 or 6. I just can't do that anymore (not that I ever really could!).
On Wednesday we had an absolute blast of a day - a real one to remember. We had actually been looking at leaving Boquete early and going straight to Santa Catalina (good thing we didn't as there's nowt there!) as we were all a bit bored and the weather was crap. We couldn't change the plans without it costing us but another tour leader suggested a place which should be on the map! It's called Alouatta Lodge which is the Latin name for howler monkeys and is basically a 40 acre piece of estate owned by Steve and Michelle who are South African and Kiwi and they've lived here with their 2 kids for the last 4 or so years. I love meeting people like this actually They had been living in London and then decided they wanted to go somewhere else for a few years in this part of the world. They more or less stuck a pin in a map and decided on Panama, a place none of them knew anything about! They have been here illegally (well, not illegally in a bad way but they don't have visas and basically leave the country every 90 days, despite owning a property, a business, a couple of vehicles and employing staff!). Anyway, Steve used to be some kind of ranger and has always been into wildlife and Michelle is a horticulturalist.They decided to start rescuing howler monkeys that were either in pet shops or being sold on beaches etc. They have 7 of these beautiful creatures, including 2 babies and although they feed them every day, there are not enclosed and they are free to come and go as they please. Well! I fell in love when I got there. They are marvellous! They immediately climbed on our heads and shoulders and just sat there waiting to be taken somewhere. Some of the more boisterous ones were like little puppies that just nibbled and bit any piece of skin they could find. And bloody hell, they have sharp teeth! The first one that got me was biting (yes, not nibbling!) my ear and it really hurt. When I pushed her off she started biting my leg!! I sat down on the ground at one point and started hand-feeding a couple of them bananas and one decided to climb on me again while eating. Next thing I had chewed up banana all down the side of my face and in my hair, which he then nibbled out!
Anyway, we had a fantastic day - playing with the monkeys, a walk through the forest and a fabulous lunch - everything on the plate was delicious - something I haven't really been able to say for a long time now! After lunch and some tea (!), Michelle took us for a walk through her garden where they grow lots of herbs and spices and various indigenous trees. Google, who is 16 months old, took a fancy to me (and me to him) and decided to spend the whole walk draped across my shoulders, clinging onto my hair for dear life - great hairstyle by the end of it! Sometimes we would stop and he would run down my body to climb up a tree to find something interesting but as soon as I put my hand out, he was climbing back up me to his usual spot. I loved it! This is another facet that's being added to my guesthouse!!
We were all weary as we waited for the chicken bus to come along and suddenly John started yelling that he's been stung by a wasp (this is also after Chris had been stung earlier in the day). Next thing Kat starts shouting and swearing as she has been stung on the face. I started panicking as I've never been stung before but luckily we didn't see anything else. Time to get home methinks.
Once back in Boquete, Kat and I decided to round a fabulous day off with a fabulous meal - back at the French place - you've got to take advantage of good eateries when you find them in these parts! Early night (no fishbowls tonight!) until 3am when I heard some knocking in what I thought was my dream. Next thing, Kat is at the door talking to some screeching American woman who was looking for some loo roll for her sick roommate (well, wake the bloody owners up, not us!). She then asked if Kat's roommate (ie me!) was awake and would I go to the shop with her. Eh? It was 3am, b***** off!! Weird ending to such a great day!
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