Hi again folks. Firstly just wanted to let you know that I have uploaded some Brazil (and Cuba actually) pics on my blogsite and the rest are at: - you can now also access my picasa site via facebook. How techy have I suddenly become?!
We've just spent the last 2 nights in the Pantanal which is roughly in the middle of Brazil and, according to the LP, offers a density of exotic wildlife found nowhere else in South America. And actually, from our experience (yet again), it's found nowhere in the Pantanal either! We're not really having a lot of luck with tracking down our abundance of wildlife. Anyhooo, we got to our lodge which had a swimming pool (nice!) and good food so all was looking rosy with the world. The 1st afternoon we went for a boat ride up the river. Saw a few random birds and quite a few caiman (crocodile things) and lots and lots of mosquitoes. Friday morning we split into groups and I went on a horse ride. Now, you'd think I would have learnt after my Cuba experience but oh no! I got the psycho horse ("Stubborn s***" as I had affectionately called it, hereonafter known as "SS"). Should have known when I saw the glint in its eyes. We set off and SS kept suddenly stopping and jerking forwards. I'm convinced it was trying to throw me off. It then kept going off in the wrong direction and wouldn't listen to me and then we had to wade through a load of water where it kept jumping (apparently it was scared of the little fish that were probably nibbling on its ankles). As I was clinging on for dear life, something massive flew into my face. Linda the insect and anything nasty magnet strikes again. Some mutant bug the size of my hand had flown into my face. The last straw was when we had to climb up a mound about a metre tall and SS flatly refused and then started galloping off in the opposite direction. Everyone thought it was me just being stupid until the guide came over, managed to calm SS down and finally told me to get off and ride his instead. Even he struggled to get it under control. It was decommissioned in the afternoon when the next group went out! HA! See, it's not just me.
Went for another boat ride followed by a dip in the pool then a very lazy afternoon in a hammock. Think I'm going to get me one of those when I get back (or forward or wherever I end up). They're remarkably comfy. I was fast asleep when something made me wake up. Looked around and one of the guys, Esteban, was standing grinning at me and then gesturing towards my chest. I looked down and there was a bloody lizard on me that he had put there. Because I didn't realise what it was at first and because of the angle I was looking at it, I got such a shock that I screeched like a banshee, leapt out of my hammock and ran like the clappers, only to then discover that my bikini top was almost round my waist as I'd been grasping at it to get rid of the lizard. So, revenge is still on the cards and I'm waiting til he's least expecting it.
I then went off on my own (brave or what?!) for a little wander and came across a herd (is that the right term?) of capybaras. Very cute. I got fairly close and they were all standing very still and looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. One of them then made a very weird noise (almost like a bird squawking. (Do you know, I've just had to google the word squawk as the more I look at it the more it looks really stupid)
Anyway, early evening we all got into a huge jeep for a photography safari. Saw a few bits and bobs but nothing major and the mozzies were out in force. So much so that everyone was just hitting eachother to get rid of them and most of us now have blood-splattered clothes! Then....drum roll...... someone yelled stop and "Spider"!! Oh my God, this tarantula was nonchalantly walking down the middle of the road. I panicked as I thought someone might be stupid and pick it up (although I don't know why anyone would actually do that since the thing can hurt you - added to the fact that they're not horrible people that I'm with). The truck reversed and stopped right next to it. It kept crouching down as though it was going to jump (Linda = nervous wreck by this point) and a load if people got out of the truck and got really close up to take pictures. I was perfectly happy from the safety of my sweat up high in the truck and just zoomed in. And yes, believe it or not, the photos you see were taken (very bravely) by yours truly!
This morning I went on a trek with Vinny (our other tour leader - Geordie boy) and one other guy. Loads of people had chickened out because of the mozzies. I doused myself in deet, including my clothes, and somehow managed to not to get bitten (it's a miracle!). Saw a couple of capuchin monkeys (including a baby) but that was about it. Vinny and I then decided to take some rather clapped out bikes we'd spotted and go for a ride. We didn't get very far as his chain kept falling off but it was good to get out and about and do some exercise. We're now back in Pocone (another one-horse town) preparing for our 2-day drive to Brasilia. The truck has been patched up with some silver gaffer tape (I'm sure that won't attract the police!) so we're all praying that it holds for the drive as I'm not sure we have a contingency plan if the windscreen completely caves in.
Other than all of that, life goes on as normal!!!
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