Lindsey, I was so pleased that you had some beautiful photos to share with us.I know you had to be excited in finally finding a place where you could really see those pictures developed yourself and put onto the screen. I can't believe that we will be seeing you soon and your marvelous trip is coming to it's final days. You are going to have so much to tell us about your new friends and your new knowledge of the world abroad that we can travel along with you as you relate your diary entrys to us. Can't wait.!!
Anne Mcgee
temperature is the correct spelling
Anne Mcgee
Hi Lindsey, This is just a reminder how important you are in our lives because we will be missing you tomorrow when we all gather together for brunch at Peter and Dana's house for celebrating all Mothers and their siblings around the world,no matter where you are. It's like summer instead of spring because of the tempature being way up there. I was helping plant flowers in the flower pots on the courtyard at Visitation Church. It was high in the 90's. Take care of yourself and continue to make more memories to share with us.
Love, Granny
Joe Duffy
I am thrilled to hear that you are having a good trip. New's from K.C. - Your Dad works too hard, it has rained so much that many groups are building Arks, water is halfway up the mound at the duck club and still rising! I spent a New Year's Eve, while in college, at the Hofbrau House drinking out of litre steins, eating dumplings and listening to Notre Dame play in a bowl game on armed forces radio. What a great place! Be safe and have fun!
Best wishes from all of the Duffys!
I had another spelling error! celebrating Mother's Day.
I had dinner with Peter and Ali last night to celebrate her 17th Birthday. We went to M & S restaurant on the Plaza. Keep having fun and make all of those fantastic memories that you can share with us and others. I am sending over some bear hugs. Granny
Hello Lindsey, I loved reading about your last adventure with your friends and also reading your friend Chelsea's message to you.She has some wonderful memories also that she made abroad in some of the same places where you have gone. What happened to your camera? You always take such good pictures . Did you loose it or did it break? We are delebrating Mother's Day at Peter and Dana's house. They have a new patio with some new furniture and lots of new plantings in their garden and they have expanded their landscaping areas. They are anxious for us to see everything. Everyone is invited for a 11:30am brunch,lunch, breakfast meal,and we are free to select or choose what we want to eat and how much.All of the girls are going to bring one item of food. I insisted on that because it is fair. it will be real nice to see everyone. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I am thinking of, Granny
Hello Lindsey!!! I finally got some down time at work to sit and read all of your blog postings!!! AMAZING!!! You have done so much, yet you still have so much to see!!! I loved reading that there were a few Kiwi's on your trip, and I'm sure you love having Australians aboard as well. I can't believe the cost of internet, that is ridiculous! I'm sorry to hear about your camera...When I went to Fiji at began my Fiji Experience I realized...too late... That I left my memory card in my suitcase back at the hostel, therefore I have barely 10 pictures of my entire 10 day trip to Fiji, and settled for buying a expensive disposable camera which turned out to be CRAP! What is Venice your absolute favorite city that you've visited? That is so cool that you got to ride in the gondola...the closest I ever came to doing that was when I was at the Venetian in Las Vegas, not quite the same. I love Italy, and could immediately picture the Tuscan Hills when you mentioned them briefly. I had no idea that Spain was on your agenda, that is pretty cool, which did you think of Barcelona? Seeing one of the 7 Wonders of the World....WHOA!!! Are you eating a ton of GREAT foods? Wine? I'm sorry to read about your terrible least its over and I believe that you won't have another one. Sounds like you are having an experience of a lifetime and i'm so jealous, yet envious that you signed up for this Contiki tour on a whim! GOOD FOR YOU!!! Enjoy!!!
Anne Mcgee
Hi again, I mispelled the word skeptic and I couldn't erase the mistake and fix it. I love you. I'm sending lots of hugs airmail special delivery. The dove's name is "Hope ".
Anne Mcgee
Each day seems to be more exciting then the last. What a fantastic way to get information for your new book. "How to survive with 25 new traveling companions". I know it will be a wonderful book because you will have photos to prove your adventures and out of sight excapades. everyone will love the humor that you will attach to the Bars and Resturants and different hotels and their room service accomadations . The different means of transportation will certainly fascinate some readers who are sceptic of riding donkeys and who diffently shy away from cruise ships.I just wonder if your book will contain the miles you all put on your compuses while walking through the townships main streets and back hidden adventurious streets or climbing their momuments or hillsides that are on the maps listed as sights to see but you have to be brave to get up early enough to see everything. i think i emailed you that Uncle Jack passed away.It was a two week adventure of a life time well spent that took him to a better place with all of his loved ones that had passed on before him. Meaning quick for the family to look back on his life and rejoice on the life he will soon be enjoying. So, you can understand why I really have been busy these last few weeks surrounded by lots of the family. You were in our thoughts and prayers.
I look forward to more news from you and Lindsey's 2007 Adventures.
Jess, so at the last minute I managed to make it onto the excursion to the volcano. It was cool, but nothing like I expected. We didnt have any time to look around Santorini, cuz we had to catch the last boat back to the ship. We rode donkeys down from the top though and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life, the whole way down. The sunset was beautiful though. Check the blog for the next cities
Hey Linds,
Your link that says where you will be heading isn't working so if you could let me know ahead of time where you will be I will try to give you some tips. Maybe give me the next 5 cities.
Aw Jess, I wish you wrote me about the Volcano in Santorini ahead of time. I opted out of the excursion because I'm going to see a Volcano and Hot Springs while in Costa Rica in a few weeks. I think it's too late to sign up for it as well. I'll definitely be going to the beach, but everyone else on my tour is headed to the volcanoes. I can't wait to take pictures of the sunset though. We've had quite a few on the boat so far.
I will definitely do the Split one if given the opportunity. It's best to know these things ahead of time.
Thanks for the advice, can't wait to hear more about eastern Europe since we are headed in that direction in a few days.