This has been one of the best trips of my life by far!!!
Sorry I havent written in forever, the internet is wicked expensive everywhere we go, except Barcelona, so I´m writing as soon as I truly got an opportunity that wouldnt kill my wallet. I am having so much fun so far and it´s only the fifth day. All the people (only 25) on my tour are a lot of fun and we´re all getting to know each other, I almost have everyone´s name down. We have done so much so far and I can´t believe the amazing things we´ve done.
The first day we drove from London to Paris, and went up the Eiffel Tower, which was magnificent. The second day we had all day to tour around Paris, so we went to the Louvre and saw Mona Lisa, walked to Notre Dame Cathedral, had lunch on a patio of a Parisian Cafe, took the Metro to the Arc de Triomphe in the middle of the city, (which has the largest roundabout in the world: 12 lanes across without real lanes), and strolled down the Champs de Elysees eating gelato. That night we went to the Moulin Rouge which was absolutely spectacular!!! What a show!!! After the show, we danced the night away ourselves at a Latin Club.
Next we headed of to Lyon (second largest city in France) for one night, and had the most amazing French dinner sitting on the patio, it took three hours, but we had escargot and frog legs (that Pappadeaux can never top, sorry), fresh Creme Brulee, and there was a gentleman playing the accordian right throug the street. It was amazing!!! It was definitely an unforgettable night!!!
Yesterday, we were in the bus for hours on our way to Barcelona. We took a walking tour of the city last night around 9:30 and went to a bar to celebrate, which led to a club afterwards. It´s a bit of a rough day today, but we all had so much fun, so it´s worth it.
I have seen more sights and experienced more culture over here than you could ever dream of at home in the States! There are only 25 of us on a tour bus made for 51, so it´s quite nice having the extra room. There are only 4 Americans, 5 Canadians, a few Kiwis (New Zealanders) and the rest are Australian. We have quite a good group, and I have a feeling we´re all going to get to know each other a lot better because we have a small group.
After Barcelona, we are off to Nice, France in the French Riviera and then to Italy a few days later. I can´t even imagine what is to come on the trip if we´ve already done so much already.
Unfortunately, my 4.0 GB memory card decided not to work in my camera (grr best buy man), so I have to use my 512 MB and upload pictures onto one of the guy´s laptops, and I had to erase my memory card to take pictures over the last few days. This computer doesnt have USB anyway so I wouldnt be able to upload here anywhere. It may be that everyone will have to see pictures when I get back.
Britt - I´ve been good on age, don´t worry!! E-mail me and I´ll let you know
I miss everyone and I hope all are doing well, and I hope to hear from you. I will try to write more often, but our days are so packed with sight seeing that it´s hard to get to internet that doesnt cost 7$ (over $10 US) for 30 mins, which I believe is ridiculous.
Best wishes to all!!!
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