Gayle and Mo if you could let Cob´s know that i love him and offer him a belly rub that would be fantastic, and greatly appreciated. Much love to you all, this is a beautiful and spectacular place, and thus far an incredible experience, i am grateful for my companions in this and all the love from every one involved in our well, have you ever slide down a handmade water slide fed by a waterfall and fell 15 feet into a river, and the only precaution was that it is muy bien from the property owner, or looked down a 12 meter cliff dive into raging whiterwater and been told that the rio is muy profundo and took a leap it was well worth the tres dollares. Be well!
Hey everyone! We are currently in Mindo, Ecuador. It is possible this place houses the garden of eden. It is nestled in one of the last real cloud forest left in the world, right in the heart of the Andes. We´ve been up to the usual, jumping off waterfalls, sorry dad I talked linds into doing it, taking bird data with a orinthologist from Cornell, playing with white bunnies that are hopping all over our hostel, and joining in the pick up soccer games with the locals, Mark may turn pro. Pictures will soon be posted. Hope everyone is doing well, keep the messages coming, its always nice to hear from people from home.
Aunt Marta
Hey Linds & Scott: So glad to see you got the site up and running. The pictures are incredible. Scott, we miss you. Linds, it was great meeting you for dinner before you left. Mark, hope to meet you some day. Have a great time, make lots of memories and be safe. Love you, Aunt Marta & Uncle Bob
Hunt Daddy
HAHA you guys didnt think you could get away from me for that long did you. Hey I really miss you guys. I hope you are having a blast and E mail me when you think about it. Dont do anything that I would not do. no means no and 15 realy means 18 in south america JK
LOve hunt daddy
Aunt Lynn Richardson
Just got this site forwarded from Grandma R. God Bless you all, and thanks so much for sharing this with us. I'll miss our family get togethers, can't wait to hear all about it when you get back, but this site lets us know you are traveling well. What an amazing adventure for you all. Love, Aunt Lynn
Hi guys. It looks like you're having a great time and seeing some beautiful sights in Ecuador. I love this website. It keeps me reassured that you are ok. The pictures that you are taking are great. Keep the pictures coming and be smart and be safe. I love you all.
hey bubba and friends! I hope that you are all having a good time. It is great to be able to chat with you and the pictures are awesome. I have read your emails mark and I am really enjoting hearing from you. The pitures are amazing and very interesting to look at. Markus, the picture of the little girl checking her wares at the market looks just like Brianna. Keep in touch and I love you Bubbas!!
Love AMos
Hey all ~ I am so happy about this site. I feel like I was at the market looking at the jewerly with you. I am going to look into coming and visiting...just need to have Bri get her passport. Davis I am really impressed you are keeping this up to date. talk to you soon and miss you all. Also Davis I get tons of compliements on my giant handbag that could fit a 4 year old in it!! Ha ha.
Mo & Nathan
Hey Guys! Wow we can't get over this website! It's so awesome to be able to get on and see all your pictures and hear about everything that's going on with you guys! Coby is doing great! We took him to the football game friday night so that was exciting! He misses you all but is doing great! I love and miss you guys! Stay Safe!
Mom & Pop Houghton
This travelling by computer is sure something!!!We love seeing where you are and what you are experiencing. Your picture taking is awesome. The country is too. Do the people dress like Americans? The little girl at the market seemed to dress like she came from Old Navy. ha!!! Hope all of you are healthy. Keep us posted. Love you!!! M & P H
Well Hello! Your travels look amazing so far. The pictures are great. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well, however I'm pretty jealous- I can't wait to get down there. I'm at the Monticello library- doesn't that sound thrilling?! I'm working in town this week so I can get some stuff done, then I have my last week in the field starting tuesday... I have been giving out the address to this website, everyone has been asking me questions about you guys and your travels. I love and miss all of you, take care! -cailin (heads)
Evan, Mo, Kenobi, Hawk
You guys were late for check in, I need an updated UTM and group satus with a head count. Did you lose Scott already? If you make it to Puerta Lopez say hey to Enrique and Allegria at Yubarta. If youre still in Otavala buy me a switchblade, I think thats the only place in Ecuador we found tofu. Some gringo (with a good library) married a chinese girl (hence the tofu) and opened a coffee shop. Theres also great c*** fights with burly green liquor, find some kid to explain the wagers. I'll be in the Caribean next week if you want to stop buy, if not hustle back to the southern hemisphere, I can smell Marks butt from here. -E