Hi Just thought we say hi from cloudy, cold, rainy, and snowy Michigan. The weather here is absolutley great. We feel so bad that you have to endure sunny beautiful days and the beach, meeting all kinds of great people, having to eat such a great choices of foods, and seeing so many outstanding places.-----Just kidding. We are very excited for all of you. If we did not have to teach school, we would be there with you. We have enjoyed your photos, blogs, mess., and videos. Have a great time.--Mom & Pops
Lindsay - check your email. Should I order for you? Let me know. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving - I'm sure it was interesting. What are your plans for Christmas and New Years? Anything exciting happening? Stay safe. Love ya.
Kathy Kakoyianni-Bering
Hey linds!
Love the pictures and blogs- how exciting- enjoy every moment! Hope to see you again some time! Keep the pictures and messages coming. kate is in England again- your senior class is so adventurous! I hope you are doing well and all is great! We finished our best season to date very proud of them. Anastasia is growing up way fast!! She is adorable and woudl love for you to see her! I am so bad at uploading pictures- i promised I would do better- I will. Miss ya lots
Hey All ~ Davis I am so glad that you still updating me on what is going on with your life. The pictures are amazing and I love the videos as well. Davis did you join in the ladies futbol game? If you did that would be awesome and if I would have been there I would have worn my Footie Fan Club shirt.....ah the good ol' days of UNI! Miss you and take care.
Dad & Mom H.
Hi everyone...just wanted to wish all of you a belated Happy Turkey Day from the USA. Mark, sorry we missed your call!!! Looks like Linds and Scott are having a great time and it's a great idea to translate the Spanish, Mark...you definitely are a world traveler! Since you blew up the toilet, do you feel better? We just shared all the slides and videos with Traci's family in Ankenny. Keep having a beautiful and fantastic time...we miss you and LOVE you.
hola mi amigos,
yo estoy muy cansado in the head, tired in the head for all those not as fluent as i in the espanol, as it were, life is great, exciting, challenging and both deficil and interestante...linds, scooter i miss you both, the sun magically came out as you traveled to your futbol game, it looked and sounded like a good time, my class was cut early to the whole family screaming and shouting gladly as ecuador took peru in the game, you were both on mind. School is good, my toilet exploded the other day and i was moved into an alternate room, good story! Coby i miss you! my profs have a dog chizpa, spark i call him, we run on the beach, i truly wish it were my pooch...the day is great happy holidays, my love.
Tim Fred
Happy Thanksgiving. Was up this morning, woke up, checked the email, and amazingly heard from Lindsay (amazing because I've been wanting to talk to you guys the past couple of days). Was feeling a little under the weather so I took a nap, and dreamed Scott and I were ripping it up on a mountain. So I guess it kinda feels like we just hung out. Hey there's snow in town right now, think about that while you're sweating. The photos are awesome, keep them coming, and call me sometime soon.
Dan Ellis
Scott and Lindsay Good to hear from you, love the video Scott. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I would love to see more photos of the people. Do they mind you taking shots of them? Dan
Grandma And Grandpa Rich
Molly is here showing us how to get your pictures and work the website. Sounds like you guys are having a good time. Have fun but be careful.
Hello all! I can't tell you enough how awesome this website is! It's great to get to see all of your pictures and keep up on what you all are up to! I'm up in Iowa now so that's sweet! Mark have fun at your spanish class and linds and scoot have fun at the soccer game ( i knwo you all will ) I love and miss you all!
ps... scoot i just got my camera so i'm glad to see that it's working well and definitely waterproof! lol. Love you guys! Stay safe!
Joe Knoepfler
Good to see you are well... pics look great really like the ones of the school children. Tell Mark and Linds i say hello... Take care kid.
P.S. it is dumping today in ZooTown wich means that i was obviously forced to buy some new Public Enimies (oops)
Katie S.
hey mark & friends. Whaaddup? I'm from yo Fashas history class. Im the one that sleeps everyy day. haha, literaly. I hope your trip is fun. Traveling the world and all;; sounds interestingg. Thanks for coming to our class to show us what your life is likee. Well, thats all for now. Be sure to keep us updated. (: