HI wats up its miranda from history class. u know the one ur pop teaches. yeah lol. thanks for teaching me to make fire it was coolio. tell all the kule people ur hanging out with i say hi. keep it real. keep it ziploc fresh. peace>miranda
Shalyn Wright :)
Hey wats up!! this is Shalyn from your pops history class!!!! ur awesome, thanx for showing me how to make cortage!! lqtm
Hi Im from your dads history class. How is your trip so far?
P.S... Love the video Scott, glad to see the cameras work well.
Hey guys, glad to see that everything is going good. It looks like yall are having a great time. I wish that i could be with you. I think that i might try to head down there with molly so we can get in on some of the fun. Keep up the site and have a great time and stay safe.
Seany Schaitel
Hey hey Scotty,
Sorry I didn't get back to ya before you left Utah. Stoked to hear your doing well in Ecuador. 7 months huh? Makings of an epic journey. Well I take off for New Zealand on Wednesday, couldn't be more excited. Got a couple of good contacts already, heading to Coromandel right off the bat, a great experience awaits. Anywho, keep in touch man, be good.
Sierra Lynn Houghton
Hey uncle Mark i loved the slide show i hope you have a good time at your knew espanol class i got to go by!
Laurie Ellis
Love the website. The pictures are great. You all look well and happy. What a fantastic adventure! Stay safe
Hey Guys! This website is awesome - Lindsey - glad you had to move to South America to finally learn how to keep people updated in a timely fashion! :) Good thing they don't have cell phones. Sorry didn't get a chance to meet you in Iowa City - the Hawks are still doing better though! Basketball has started - I have 14 players all under 5'8 who can't shoot very well and can't run real fast - I think were going to be really good! Look forward to more updates!
Hey Bro... Hope your having a great time, we just got back from italy. language barrier.....Ciao
I love the pictures and the site looks great. So glad to hear you are all doing well. FYI: I'm just sitting here in an office building while you're out discovering the world.
Stay safe!!! And, of course, have a wonderful time.
Hey Linds!
So sorry we didn't get to catch up before you left! I'm having a ball cruising around on your website (and living vicariously through you)! I hope you're having tons of fun and staying safe!!