Hi thanks for the info on Jim Thompson ,did you remember all that information .we are most impressed and feel more knowledgable.Andrew and grandma wanted to know who he was too so now they can learn about him.Both came to us last night .We were supposed to go for a meal at Andrews but he had a problem with all his electrics so he had to cook the meal at our house and very nice it was too.We were fortunate enough to have an electrician at our house at the time so he went to Andews flat and got everything working again .Having a very lazy day today ,dad has just gone to town to get some euros for our trip and we will throw some bits and pieces in a case later on -we are getting quite excited about going at 5.20 tomorrow morning!(thats when the taxi is arriving ) We looked at the web site which showed your hotel and you were quite right to describe it as awesome -very nice indeed. We bet you are glad to be together again.I am so impressed with the internet -being able to communicate like this is really wonderful (not as good as actualy talking face to face but nearly as good)Continue to have fun .We look forward to your regular updates and photos.Take care .Many hugs and cuddles Mum and Dad xxxxx
Paul And Chris
Paul And Chris
Paul And Chris
Not bad English for a Swede!
Lin Again
And about Jim thompson's house in Bangkok: Since his disappearance in 1967, little has changed in the home that was the 'talk of the town' and the 'city's most celebrated social center'. Even today, the charming Thai style house continues to be a key stop for visitors to Bangkok.
Hi Chris and Paul. Just to let you know who Jim Thompson was:Jim Thompson or James Harrison Wilson Thompson was born in Greenville, Delaware in 1906. He attended Princeton University, the family university, from 1924 to 1928.Although Thompson had a keen interest in art, he chose to become an architect and went on to study architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a practicing architect in New York City until 1940.With the escalation of the war in Europe in the early 1940s, Thompson volunteered for service in the United States Army, an important turning point in his life.However the war ended abruptly as Thompson and the other OSS men were en route to Bangkok. A few weeks later, he assumed the duties of OSS station chief. In late 1946, he received orders to return to the States to receive his military discharge. Thompson developed a certain fondness for the country and its people. He began to seriously contemplate settling down and going into business in Thailand. He foresaw a promising future for the country and wanted to be a part of this process. Soon after his return to Bangkok, Thompson turned his attention to Thai silk. With his natural flair for design and color, and driven by his single-minded dedication to reviving the craft, Thompson soon gained worldwide recognition for his success in rebuilding the industry, for generating international demand for Thai silk and for contributing to the growth of the silk industry.
During the Easter weekend in 1967, Thompson disappeared while on holiday with friends in Cameron Highlands, a northern Malaysian resort. An extensive and extended search failed to reveal any clues about his disappearance.
By then, Thompson had been in Thailand for nearly 22 years. So there you go. A little piece of history for you. Love, Linda X
Mum And Dad
Hi Phil and Linda Glad to read your new message on board.Photos are very arty especially the leaf and the team of girls !!(Dad thinks the girls are particularly impressive )The pictures of Jim Thompsons house are very nice but we have to ask WHO IS HE ???Linda your hair looks fabulous -who did it for you ?I didnt think they had up and coming trendy hair-dressers in Malaysia.You should be on the front of Vogue! You look very tanned too.We have got the garden underway now and the weather is good so we hope a lot will be achieved this week.Andrew is sorting out the trip to Amsterdam tonight so we are keeping our fingers crossed for a result .We are going to log on to the site to see your seaview hotel .
Chris And Paul
Well Linda ,If you fail to get a job in England you are obviusly well qualified to take back- packers on elephant tours,you seem to be a natural and especially attractive in your special elephant riders hat !!! I so wanted to give your elephant a hug !!So glad you managed a week with your parents ,I bet you were sorry to say good-bye.I hope Tom calls to see us to let us hear about his trip with you.Glad to hear you and Phil are meeting up again.You know what they say -absence makes the heart grow fonder !!Phil is going to the market tonight to buy some fake goods -who knows what you might get. Keep in touch ,love you lots Chris and Paul xxx
Hello darlings! My goodness, it looks fabulous there! Think i might add it to my list of places to visit, one day!!!!!! Phil.....looking delicious as normal ;)
Nothing exciting my end, some HIDEOUS person drove into my parked car in London last week, i don't like London drivers, and smashed my car up and drove off! Costing me a fortune to fix as the excess on my insurance is far higher than i had thought. Mum and Nugget are in Ecuador for Will's wedding, not heard from them yet! House all to myself which is cool! Going out to a nice bar in London next week for my birthday which will be nice, might even treat myself to a small glass of wine, just don't tell the doctors.....!! Keep having fun, lots of love, Jessie x x x
Hey there. Have posted a new journal on the website. I didn't realise how long it was. Sorry guys. Will keep it nice and short next time. Lots of Love, Linda XXX
Mum And Dad H
Hi Philip and Linda
Just seen the latest photos of Ko Lanta -what a place! Theres no doubt about it ,you are in a beautiful part of the world. Dad and I are definitely going to make it our next holiday destination !! WE are very impressed with the photo of the "sunset "-it would win a prize in a competition !
Glad Lindas Mum and Thomas have arrived safely-Im sure they are going to have a fab time with you -give them our love. We are so thrilled to see you both looking so extremley fit and healthy-your tans look fantastic.
I have just broken up from school today for 2 and a bit weeks -its a nice feeling !Finished downstairs loo tonight -no more decorating now as I'm worn out. All well this end .Andrew happy too. Looking forward to him coming home so I can pamper him a bit (lot)
We havent' heard any news from you for a while, so send us an update soon.When does Tom fly back ?
Missing you both very much-can't believe you still have another 4 months of holiday left -you lucky, lucky people.
Continue to have lots of fun .Many hugs and cuddles from Mum and Dad xxxx
P.S We noticed you had no HELMET on when on the scooter.Play for safety Phil and dont risk serious injury over negligence !!! Make sure you get the head gear next time you hire a motor bike . xxx