hi guys, glad to hear you're still safe and sound! Am at work at the moment, which is awesome!!! Organising myself a site visit on tuesday to Staines where Ali G is from. Got to cruise around in a hire car looking at industrial estates and building sites! Am going to meet katie saddington for a drink in a couple of minutes which should be fun, also bumped into ben on saturday at Borough Market. Haven't spent too much money yet which is good news obviously - got paid on monday for half a month, which was more than i earned in a month at Weetons!!! Stay safe and watch out for those cockroaches Phil!!!!
Tom x
Linda And Phil.
Just put up some photos and a new journal.
PS When we arrived in Singapore it completely pissed it down so we put on our yellow mickey mouse ponchos. The streets started to flood and i went across a flooded pavement only to hear Lin shout out my name really loud - when i turned around she looked like a dwarfed hunchback of Notredam (with the poncho going over the backpack) she'd managed to fall down a mahhuuusssive hole in the middle of the street which was covered by the water. I absolutely pissed myself - one of the funniest sights ive ever seen - she was waist deep and i had to pull her out. She cut her knee but were both still laughing about it now!
Mum And Dad
Hi Linda and Phil
Just seen the photos and had a good chuckle .We knew all those trips to the sea -side building sand -castles etc would come in useful one day !!! What a wonderful little man .We are not surprised you won the competition when there was no one else on the Island with you ,never-the-less it was the best little sand man we have ever seen! Those sun-set photos just get better and better .Well that certainly was a breakfast and a half -it looked very yummy !! Cant wait to tell the children at school that you found Nemo ,they will be well impressed . Whats all this about you getting ripped off by naughty men ? (more than a couple of times too ).All the hard work you seem to be doing on the beach must surely be making you both absolutely exhausted ,we really think you should relax more !!!! (note the sarcastic tone ).Yes you have probably read that Andrew is moving home tomorrow -despite what he says we think he is really looking forward to it !!(Hummmmm).We are hoping for good weather whilst we lug furniture from one home to another . All will have to go through the front door as we will never be able to get across the building site of a back garden !!Progress is slow and we just want them to get a move on.They tell us it will be another 3-4 weeks until it's finished .Some days we wonder exactly what they have done all day as it often appears to be nothing much !!! Thankyou again for our fabulous Holland trip. You both look fantastic with your tans .Write back soon -we so look forward to hearing from you . Sports report - Leeds drew with Sheff Utd 1-1 away (good goal by Healy) but are now 5th with 2 games to play. Did you see that Australian Bowler Jason Gillespie made 201 n.o. coming in as night-watchman v Bangladesh - a world record by a long way. He is arriving to play for Yorkshire next week - hopefully a good omen.
Take Car - Love Mum and dad xxxx
Phil And Lin
Hi everyone,
Haven't been able to access the internet for some time. From Kuala Lumpur we took a flight to Kota Bahru where we later got a boat to the Perhentian Islands. We've spent 3 nights on the islands at a very luxurious resort (we had to treat ourselves). The days were filled with hard labour ( mainly sand castle building, snorkeling, sea kayaking, and extensive eating at the restaurant etc, etc). Just to let you know, we found Nemo and his pals. Have some pictures which we will upload later. Take care everyone. Lots of love, Lin and Phil
(Mum and Dad don't read this) I am moving back home in two days time! Very scary... You are both looking very healthy in your pictures, I've got to start training for the Manchester run it's in 4 weeks!
Philip And Linda
This websites had 6764 hits so far!
Philip And Linda
Happy Birthday Dad. Hope Amsterdam was good fun - hop you took it easy with the space cake! ill call tonight (morning your time) or tomorrow. Ill KL at the moment - going up the petronas towers this afternoon.
Word up. Got home safely, although its bloody freezing at the moment! It was a bit of a shock when i got out of the airport whilst wearing flipflops. Am really looking fwd to starting work on tuesday and not jealous of you either. ps. managed to get all my counterfeit goods through customs which was a bonus. tom xxxx
Lin And Phil
Hey everyone, we've uploaded new pictures from Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Enjoy.
Hej Linda !
Jag sag frisyren , var blev alla de fina lockarna av men OK de kommer väl fram igen. Hoppas att du tycker att det blev mindre har att halla undan i varmen. Du vet ju att jag gillar ditt lockiga har. Frisyren var annars fin, forstod att det tog tid att klippa dig med allt detta haret, vad kostade det ?
Vi stannade i Kamala på Kamal beach hotel som vi sa ifran borjan o var dar till vi skulle aka hem. Det var ganska mycket forandrat sedan vi var dar sist. Mycket hade föorsvunnit efter tsunamin men hotellet hade blivit fint igen. Man blev mycket pamind om vad som hänt o det lag en stor bok om tsunamin på hotellrummet om vad som hant o vad man ska göra om det kommer en varning osv.
Men vi hade nagra slappa dagar dar. Vi var i patong nagra timma en dag o vi hyrde en motorbike en dag o pluttrade runt i omgivningarna ( ja pluttrade för Thomas fick inte kora fort för mig ) det byggdes mycket nytt runt kamala. Sista natten hade vi ett fruktansvart askväder sa jag sov inte mycket o sa skulle vi ju aka ifrån hotellet 5,30 på morgonen sa det blev inte mycket somn den natten o inte sedan heller ( har ju svart för att sova pa planet )
Men nu är allt OK igen har fatt sovit ut i min egen mjuka sang igen.
Kram mamma
Hej mamma och thomas,
Skont att hora att ni kom hem ok. Vart bodde ni i Phuket? Vi ar just nu I Cameron Highlands (Malaysia). Idag har vi vandrat i jungeln, besokt ett te plantage, m.m. Jag sag manga exotiska orkide'er i jungeln. Har du sett min ny frilla? Jag har klipt att en hel del och skaffat en lugg igen. Blev trott pa haret i Bangkok sa jag klipte mig samma dag ni akte hem.
Kram Linda
Hej pa Er lyckostar som fortfarande är ute o reser kom hem for
nagon timma sedan till ett kallt o rengnigt Sverige o tillbaka till verkligheten. Men det är val bara att bita ihop o jobba ihop till en ny semester. Far hoppas pa att det blir snart, synd bara att man bara har 5 veckor semester om aret. Man skulle ha det som Ni har det. Kram Marlene