Travel with Jen and Kate!
Wed 23rd
Arrives in this big city very early from Cordaba, having slept pk on our semi carma bus! Checked into Millhouse - the only place to stay! Its a lively party hostel right in the centre. A bit dofferent from what we were used to in Peru/Bolivia, a good change! We did a little recki whilst our room was getting ready and stumpled across the port. Visited la Boca in the afternoon and experienced our first tango how during our rather expensive lunch! La boca is really nice and its famous for the colourful houses but is a bit of a rough neighbourhood so avoid at nights. Wondered the streets to find the Boca Juniors stadium, whack bang in the middle of the housing! We went to check out the famous cafe tortini (a little too expensive!) and stumpled across a tango academy that did lessons!! We danced for 2 hours learning the basic steps, was a good time but the teacher was a little scary! Met some fellow dnacers and they took us to a proper Argentinan steak house in San Telmo- Desinzel! Best steaks here!
Thurs 24th
Visited the area of Palmero and walked the big grande parks and then went off to find Evitas grave in Recoletta. Took a while but the guides book helped us (5th passage on the left!) They are such elaborate graves and so many but only the vry important people are buried here! Returned to tango school to learn some more steps! We had now progressed from beginners apparantly so his meant 2 hrs of dancing with anyone available - mainly middle aged argentinans!! We left early and found a place to eat with our new roomy Suzy. Finished the night in a cool irish bar and returned to a party at the hostel (cool house music!) We then went to a club LOST and hip hopped the night away!
Fri 25th
Went back to Palmero with Suzy to pick up some tickets for a Tango festival competition (they were free!!). Got a horse and cart ride around the parks, having a guided tour in spanish! We went shopping and found lots of leather!! Both bnought a pair of shoes - Kates are sexy and with a heel whilst i went pratical but mind are still cool! The tango show which statred at 9 was so good, it was the semi finals and the standard was brilliant! We had to sit on a hard staged seating thing however it was free! Taxi home and then a quick night cap!
Sat 26th
Packed up ready to move hostels as no room at the inn but then just as we were checking out they found space!! Oh well it saves packing again tomorrow! Weather looking dodgy and everyone sure it will rain! Took a train to Tigre, a small river resort, popular with the locals at weekends about an hour outside the city. Had a good day, went on a river cruise and they was a massive craft market! It didnt rain but was very dull and overcast all day and the temperature has dropped! We enjoyed another fine piece of steak in a posh little restaurant we found whilst wondering the city. A lovely way to finish off this lovely city.
Today was market day and little else was open due to it being a sunday. We first walked to San telmo, streets full of crafts and mainly antiques. Endulged in soem leather belts! Then we took the subway to Recoletta where there was an even bigger market set in the beautiful aprk surroundings. Rushed back as time ahd gone so quicky and we thought we may even miss our bus. Took a carma bus to Iguazu Puerto (17 hours!)!
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