Day 32 6/6/18
Today I woke up and played our phones. After we came out and had bacon and egg wraps for breakfast, it was really yummy! We got ready to go on a walk in a gorge. The gorge used to be a reef over 360 million years ago, but one day the earth moved and the rocks came up and the sea came down,That's really cool! We walked in and saw 13 crocodiles lying in the middle of the lake, dad said does anyone want a closer look, and I said yes so he l picked me up and pretended to throw me in!Aaaaa!! We saw beautiful gorges and leaves on the tree were so green from the sun light. We saw a lot more crocodiles as we came back. When we came back to the car Tom and Stu walked home and the rest of us drove home in the air conditioning! We had lunch and got ready to for a walk through a long tunnel with water in it! The hardest part was to get in the tunnel because we had to climb over 2 metre high rocks, we had Aqua shoes that helped us climb over rocks. Whilst we were going through the long cave some of the water came up to my undies! But Stu was saturated because it came up to his chest. Half way through we came to a part that had collapsed, it was good to see the light again. At the end we had a snack and emptied all the sand out of our shoes. When other people came they said that their was some aboriginal painting and to follow the butterfly's, so we did. After turned around and went back through the tunnel! When we got home we had sausages and went to bed!
- comments
Queenie My brother Cormac was born on this day. 13 crocrodiles, how unlucky! Where did the butterflies take you?